Professor Michals

Category: HW 8: Photographic Style (Page 3 of 3)

HW 8: Photographic Style_Giulia

In the Vibe covers I chose the lighting style is mostly butterfly and Rembrandt. It seems like they used reflectors when the head of the artist is slightly tilt to fill up a little bit the shadows on the side of the face (Usher and Her cover). The background has not be lighted up to separate it from the subject (except for the first cover maybe) infact some shadows on the background are visible, but very light color background such as grey and light brown has been used to make the artists stand out. The framing changes from half body (3/4 shot) or shoulders and up when the artist in the cover is just one and into a full body when there is a group. In Her and Kanye West covers the head and the hair fill up most of the space. One of the constant elements in all Vibe covers is the point of view of the pictures. Most of them are taken at the eye level or under the eye level (at a low angle, to express a monumental or intimidating pose) . The second element is that all the subjects look directly into the camera. The third constant element is the mood and the expression of the artists. They all have really serious and intimidating face (the prison pose typical of rappers).

Agustin Melo Galvez -Homework 8: Photographic Style

Identify the lighting style used including the angle of view, lighting pattern: Rembrandt, split, butterfly light, broad or shot light. How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? What is the palette? How tight is the framing?What is the angle of view?

Lighting pattern: Split light

How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? There is a soft fill to bring out and enhance the muscle structure.

How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? There doesn’t seem to be a background light but there is definitely light pointing towards the back of the subject to allow for streaks of highlight around his body.

What is the palette? The palette is composed of Dark jungle Green, Baltic Sea, Dusty Grey, Cadet, French Grey, Ash Grey, Regent Grey, and Flint.

How tight is the framing? The framing is of a 3/4 body shot and is not really tight.

What is the angle of view? This is taken from eye level.

HW 8: Photographic Style

There is much fill is used to brighten the shadows by candle lights on the left and right side. A background light used to separate the subject from the background is just the light above main character’s head. The palette’s tone is dark with yellow, black, and green created magical World. The models are magicians, so the palette is perfect for their hair and eyes. The framing is super tight because they wanted to make a chaotic situation and conflict between characters and subjects surround them such as bird, book, castle, moon, and hat. The angle of view is looking straight to the audiences.

Destiny Thomas – HW#8 Photographic Style

Identify the lighting style used including the angle of view, lighting pattern: Rembrandt, split, butterfly light, broad or shot light. How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? What is the palette? How tight is the framing?What is the angle of view?

  • Lighting Pattern: Butterfly Lighting
  • How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? – Used a reflector below the subjects face to soften shadows.
  • How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? – The background light is pointing at the backdrop to create a round spotlight of the red and a vignette effect around the top of the subject. It also adds a little bit of glow around the shoulders and hair.
  • What is the palette? – Red, Black and White
  • How tight is the framing? – Medium Close Up
  • What is the angle of view? – Eye level
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