Professor Michals

The Final Project Statement_Giulia

Topic: The photography that I will try to reproduce is food/product photography. I will try to create contexts and interesting background (that we usually modify or add in Photoshop using exiting pictures) for the product advertised with real props, or picturing the product in a real context such as a restaurant countertop or a kitchen table.

The purpose of those pictures will be to explore stop motion to create gifts and short videos for social media. I would like to focus on lighting and composition to create better food photography which is already in my portfolio and show my skills in stop motion.

Subject Matter: I will shoot the NAKED juice or smoothie

Style: The pictures will be colourful, playful and I will use different props to make the picture interesting.

The short videos from Huddlstudio captured my attention (which I discovered scrolling Instagram) and they are my first inspiration. They create stop motion videos for different brands. I will try to recreate exotic or daily contexts like the one in the pictures attached.

Lighting: I will use daily light and spot lights to enhance the product and the scene. Lighting will be the biggest challenge in this project since I don’t have professional lights, but I will do my best

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Your biggest challenge is going to be the direct reflection on the product itself.

    if you want to try to do it in one shot, then diffuse the light. You can buy a diffuser. You can make one from a big piece of cardboard. Cut out the middle so it is a frame and cover the hole with tracing paper. or wrap the light in as many layers of tracing paper as you need.

    I did a class on this as an online class. Look at the lab managing direct reflection.

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