Prof Anmol Dhamrait | COMD2300-E098 | Spring 24

Author: Kevin Dewitt (Page 2 of 6)

Kevin Dewitt’s Project 4 Research

My subject I choose to talk about is about adopting cats and how and why it is important to do so.

 I’ve have had a cat in my family for as long as I can remember it didn’t matter if it was a boy cat or a female cat. For the boy cats one of the major things me and my family had to worry about was them spraying all over the place. When in heat or getting into clawing fights with other street cats. We had one male cat that had lost an eye due to fighting other street cats. I only seen Tony once more after that and he stopped coming to the backyard for his food. I truly believe that we lost him in the streets.

When we had Girl cats we had to worry about them in heat and always being pregnant and living on the streets. Put that together with trying not to get scratched so you can take them to the vet and it was really rough. A lot of these cats would not survive in those harsh environments.

I took the time to sit and write this PSA because I want people to know it is ok to have cats in your home and they are part of this world of animals that god has blessed us with.

Quote: “If you want to love them, learn to love like they do—firmly in the now.” 

― Jackson Galaxy, Cat Daddy: What the World’s Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me about Life, Love, and Coming Clean

My explanations for posting this quote is:  I love and enjoy the short time in life when these animals are around me. They can be loving and somewhat like a friend that brings joy to your life.

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