Class 23

  • Date: Monday, 04/15/2024
  • Meeting Info: P-122
  • Topic: Presentation of Project 3 & Discuss Final Project
  • Activities & Homework: Start researching about your topic.
  • DUE on Thursday 4/18: Upload a Word document stating why you have chosen this topic and what awareness are trying to create with the PSA poster.
    • Work on choosing a powerful and relevant quote from reputable sources on the internet. The quote should be succinct, impactful,
      and directly related to the social or environmental issue you want
      to address.
    • Conduct thorough research on the chosen issue to gain a deep understanding of its significance, causes, and potential solutions. This will inform the visual elements of your poster.

Class 24

  • Date: Thursday, 04/18/2024
  • Meeting Info: P-122
  • Topic: Select a Social awareness topic or environmental issue
  • Activities & Homework: DUE TODAY: Upload a word document stating why you have chosen this topic and what awareness are trying to create with the PSA poster.
    • Explain Quote Selection:
      • Choose a powerful and relevant quote from reputable sources on the internet. The quote should be succinct, impactful, and directly related to the social or environmental issue you want to address.
    • How are you Researching and Understanding:
      • Conduct thorough research on the chosen issue to gain a deep understanding of its significance, causes, and potential solutions. This will inform the visual elements of your poster.