The Lams of Ludlow Street— Getting Dressed for Graduation

Photographer: Thomas Holton

This photograph by Thomas Holton features a student in presumably her own bedroom getting ready for a graduation ceremony. At first glance, our eyes are drawn to the figure checking her attire; and around her, the frame is filled with elements suggesting that the camera is pointed into the room from an outside space. We can see that further in the background, the walls are decorated with hanging lights and decorations— all above a soft surface, which is likely a bed or something similar. Thomas Holton is a photographer who was investigating his interest in the daily life of people in the Chinatown area when he was introduced to the Lam family. Since, he has been accompanying them in their daily activities. Given this background, I feel that the message he is trying to convey through this photograph is one linked to the passage of time and milestones. Graduation is often seen as an event celebrating the completion of an education course. It’s like a benchmark indicating how much an individual has experienced. Thus, I think that Thomas Holton is trying to convey that feeling of achievement through this setting. It feels like we’re watching her prepare to take the next step. She’s also alone and focused on herself so I get the feeling she’s an independent person.

In this photo, I can identify the rule of thirds, frame within a frame, and leading lines. Holton placed the subject according to the rule of thirds to balance the areas of the and used leading lines to guide our attention to the main subject. A third of the frame is taken up by a dark surface highlighted by a collage. Due to the angle of the collage on the right, the edges form diagonal lines pointing towards the interior of the room, welcoming the viewer in. Frame within a frame is also used here to further enhance the contrast of space. Since the right side of the composition is taken up by what I assume is the door to the room, viewers can feel the space in between the camera, the doorframe, and the room where the subject stands. Personally, I like how the photographer uses frame within a frame to convey the feeling of watching as someone takes steps in growth.