Voting Results, April 29 General Meeting

Here are the vote results from Tuesday’s, General Meeting:

  • 12-25 New Course: LAW 2410 Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility,  85 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstain
  • 12-26 New Course: CST 1000 Foundations of Computing,  79 in favor, 2 against, 4 abstain
  • 13-04 New Course: PHYS 1002 An Introduction to the Physics of Natural Disasters, 81 in favor, 0 against, 4 abstain
  • 13-12 New Course: CST 1102 Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling,   77 in favor, 5 against, 3 abstain
  • 13-13 New Course: ARTH 1112 Introduction to Film, 81 in favor, 0 against, 3 abstain, 1 blank ballot
  • 13-14 New Course: SPA 1301 Spanish for Native / Heritage Speakers, 80 in favor, 2 against, 3 abstain
  • 13-15 New Course: MUS 1212 Introduction to World Music,  82 in favor, 0 against, 3 abstain
  • 13-16 Major proposal: ADV 2450 Web Design I, 85 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstain
  • 13-17 New Course: ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture, 81 in favor, 1 against, 3 abstain
  • Peer Observation Form and Resolution,  55 in favor, 14 against, 13 abstain, 3 blank ballots

All of the curriculum proposal passed.  The Peer Observation Form and Resolution did not.

While the Peer Observation Resolution won a clear majority of members present at the General Meeting, Council is bound by the Perez ruling that requires 50% + 1 majority of the entire governing body.   This rule applies to all CUNY campus governing bodies.  In our case, a “Perez majority” is 61 votes.

Agenda, General Meeting, April 29, 2014

College Council General Meeting Agenda, Tues, April 29, 12:45-2pm in Atrium Amphitheater (AG30)

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes College Council minutes for March 25 2014

III. Chair’s Report

IV. Standing Committee Reports

• Curriculum: Proposals and Final Reports (found on Council website)


• 12-25 LAW 2410 Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility

• 12-26 CST 1000 Foundation of Computing

• 13-04 PHY 1002 An Introduction to the Physics of Natural Disasters

• 13-12 CST 1102 Programming Narratives: Computer Animated Storytelling

• 13-13 ARTH 1112 Introduction to Film

• 13-14 SPA 1301 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers

• 13-15 MUS 1211 Introduction to World Music

• 13-16 Major Modification ADGA

• 13-17 ENG 3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture


• 13I French Minor Proposal

• 13M Environmental Science

• 13N Dental Hygiene

• 13O HSA Minor Curriculum

• 13Q Mathematics Minor

• 13P CMCE Minor Modification

• 13R Entertainment Technology Minor Proposal

• 13T ADGA Name Change

• 13U ADGA Minor Modifications

• 13V SS Cross listing and catalog description

• 13W THE Minor Submission

• 13X HMGT Minor Modification


V. President’s Report

VI. Provost’s Report

VII. Good and Welfare

VIII. Adjournment

REMINDER: (Continuation meeting May 6, if necessary)

2014-2015 College Council Organization Meeting, Tuesday May 13.

CUNY Faculty Senate, Spring 2014 Election Results

Currently there are vacancies for one (1) senator to represent full-time faculty through May 2017; one (1) to serve through May 2016; and two (2) to serve through May 2015.   There are vacancies for up to three (3) alternate senators to serve through May 2015: two (2) representing full-time faculty and one (1) representing part-time faculty.

Gerald Van Loon, 35 (through May 2017)

Morris Hounion, 29 (through May 2016)

7 blank

2 disqualified

Academic Integrity Committee, Spring 2014 Results

In accord with the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity, effective July 1, 2011, the Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) is charged to maintain, support and disseminate academic integrity policies, procedures and guidelines. In addition, the AIC is charged with hearing appeals of all contested charges of academic dishonesty against a student when the charge does not involve the pursuit of a disciplinary sanction.

The Academic Integrity Committee consists of seven (7) members.  Four (4) members have been appointed by the Provost.  Three (3) members shall be elected for three-year rotating terms.  No two elected members shall be from the same department.    

Anna Matthews, 60

12 blank ballots

Faculty/Student Disciplinary Committee, Spring 2014 Election Results

The Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 15.3f, provide for the constitution of a Faculty/Student Disciplinary Committee whose function it is to formally hear and pass judgment on any charges, accusations, or allegations against a member of the student body. In each disciplinary action, the committee shall consist of two (2) faculty members, two (2) students, and a chair.  The two faculty members shall be selected by lot from a panel of six.

Six (6) vacancies presently exist for a two year term.

Claire Stewart, 53

Aida Egues, 40

Lisette Santisteban, 40

Personnel Appeals Committee, Spring 2014 Election Results

This committee is composed of eight tenured associate or full professors.  Of the eight members, two shall be elected from each academic schools, and two from the unit division composed of voters from the Departments of Continuing Education, Library, Student Affairs, and the Registrar’s Series.  One representative each from the HEO and CLT series shall serve with vote, when there are appeals from members of those series.

Service on the committee will be for a two-year term.  The term of service is staggered so that in any given year only new member from each of the constituent groups is elected.

School of Arts & Sciences

Dennis Bakewicz, 22

6 blank ballots

School of Technology & Design

Paul King, 10 

3 blank ballots

HEO Representative

Richard Aronin, 18

2 blank

1 disqualified

Delegate at Large to College Council, Spring 2014 Election Results

Eleven vacancies for three year term (Fall 2014-Spring 2017)

Nadia Benakli, 45

Laura Ghezzi, 43

Teresa Tobin, 42

Lin Zhou, 36

Lourdes Smith, 35

Dennis Bakewicz, 30

Arianne Masude, 29

Ariyeh Maller, 27

Nasato Nakamura, 27

Asm Delowar Hossain, 26

Marco Castillo, 25*

Alternates (serve for one-year term to fill any 2014-2015 Delegate at Large vacancies)

1. Corina Calinescu, 25* (will serve 1 year-term to replace Laura Ghezzi for 2014-2015)

2. Sharon Shockness, 21

*Tie broken by lot