Rayon.D HW#2 Food and Coffee during the Civil War

I was shocked and fascinated to learn that coffee was a major factor in fueling the Civil War. I knew that soldiers needed food and supplies to keep themselves full of energy but coffee never crossed my mind. I would of thought canned food and other salty foods might of been the staple during the Civil War since salty/canned food lasts very long. For the soldiers, it seemed that they cared very much for their coffee; but for me, I’m not so fussy. If I had to choose between coffee or food, I would choose coffee since I don’t drink or care for coffee.  As for food that I can’t live with would be jerk chicken and rice and peas (Caribbean food).Rice and peas (kidney peas) with dark brown chicken

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Ashley.A HW#2 Food & coffee during the Civil War

What I think that is most fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet is that it is hard to believe that these fighting soldiers were out in the field with only a small portion of food in their system in order to maintain them with high energy during the occurring event . I can understand mostly why they would rely on a cup of coffee because that stuff alone can keep me going through the whole day. However I also believe that it isn’t a healthy idea to let these soldiers eat off the “eatable” side off a moldy hardtack because it can still result in getting an upset stomach.

A food item that I cannot not live without is obviously my Starbucks coffee but also a nice plate of chicken and shrimp carbonara.


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HW#2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

What I found fascinating about a civil war soldier’s diet was the coffee they drank Charles Nott said “you probably wouldn’t recognize in New York. Boiled in an open kettle, and about the color of a brownstone front, it was nevertheless
 the only warm thing we had.” This seems to me that the water and the kettle wasn’t clean and this was the only option these soldiers had in drinking something warm on a cold day.

A food that I can’t live without is lobster. I love lobster you can steam or grill lobster.

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Chase James


What I think i about the civil war diet is that it wasn’t healthy to eat. Union soldiers were fed pork or beef, usually salted and boiled to extend the shelf life, coffee, sugar, salt, vinegar. But sometimes they dried fruits and vegetables if they were in season which they should continue to eat so they can get their strength up.

The food that I can’t live is tuna casserole because it tastes so good and it is like a flavorable meal to eat

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Song’s HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

The thing that is fascinating and hard to believe about the soldier’s diet is that according to Charles Nott, Union Soldier, 16 yrs. old who seems quite young to me to be a soldier already says that all they ate for supper was hard pilot-bread which is a very large hard bread cracker along with raw pork. The idea of eating raw pork makes me feel weird but since it was desperate times, it might have been the only way of gaining the necessary calories during war time.

Of course, there was also coffee along with the supper since it was the only thing that they could drink to keep them warm at night. It was boiled in a kettle and has a color of a brownstone front which is the color on the bricks in front of a house. Since it is not dark like the color we have here before adding milk which it becomes lighter, it might look like they are drinking boiled dirt water which sounds quite unsatisfying.

A food that i would not live without would be tofu since itself can be used to make into many more different styles and can be incorporated into other dishes as well along with the ability to absorb the flavor of whatever it is cooking with.

What is Tofu? Types, Uses, and Nutrition

Link: https://www.jessicagavin.com/what-is-tofu/

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HW#2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

It is fascinating how a Civil War soldiers are trained to cut their diet to a minimum choices than other civilians. They may be trained to learn how to fight in the battlefield, but their knowledge how to survive with shortage of food does decreases the chance of winning the Civil War. According to Heidi, the “soldiers in the Civil War had to rely on a variety of foods that would keep for long periods of time and store easily.” The soldiers would pack food that are small and easy to carry such as beans, peas, and rice. They would bring ingredients like salt and sugar to improve the flavors. A meat such as a pork or beef would need be hunted by nearby animals. It may not be good to store the meat, so it would have to eaten right away or use their salts to extend their shelf life.

Another fascinating fact about their food storage is that coffee was one of the most prized food items among Civil War soldiers. During the Civil War, the coffee beans were only available to Union soldiers. Unlike the Confederate soldiers, they are only available to have tobaccos. The soldiers will use the coffee beans to make trade for tobaccos.

If I have to choose a food that I could not live out with, it would be potatoes. It can be fry, boil, and bake, and it will still be delicious.

Taken from: https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/velvet-mashed-potatoes/351e286a-e61e-4b38-8cfd-82d4f3f63ec2

Link: https://homesteadsurvivalsite.com/foods-soldiers-ate-civil-war/

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Jessie Chen’s HW#2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

The most fascinating thing about Civil war soldiers’ diet is how clueless they are when it comes to cooking. They are so dependent on having women cook for them that they themselves didn’t know how to prepare their own food. Because of that, they ate unsanitary raw meat, hardtack, and hard bread, which are not healthy nor appetizing. They had to dip their hardtack and hard bread in their coffees to soften it enough to eat. Union soldiers relied on the U.S. Sanitary Commissions to provide them food, along with teaching them how to cook. Even though the soldiers learned some techniques for cooking, many still got sick and died from unsanitary practices.

Another fascinating thing about the Civil war soldiers is how far they are willing to go to drink coffee. They are willing to use water from “canteens and puddles, brackish bays and Mississippi mud, liquid their horses would not drink” (Grinspan, 2014). They would even cook their coffee “over fires of plundered fence rails, or heated mugs in scalding steam-vents on naval gunboats” (Grinspan, 2014). Drinking coffee allowed the soldiers to stay awake during the war and was the only thing delicious to them.

The one food that I cannot live without is french fries.

Taken from: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317941.php

Grinspan, J. (2014, July 9). How Coffee Fueled the Civil War. New York Times. Retrieved from https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/09/how-coffee-fueled-the-civil-war/

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HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

The fascinating part of a military diet during the Civil War is how they can eat hardtack. Although it is much better than having no food like the South sometimes, but just by looking at the video it really seems hard and not tasty. Hardtack is nutritious and last for a long time. It still needs to be stored properly or else it can get moldy. The dirty part is they still eat it. Either they cut off the mold or they dump it in coffee to kill the insects in it. It is known as a tooth breaker so coffee also helps with softening.

If I really have to choose a food I cannot live without it might be beef.

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HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

I have to wonder about the impact drinking so much coffee had on the troops’ performances. On the one hand, coffee is an incredible stimulant that can (and did based on soldiers’ diaries) make them more effective. On the other hand, coffee is also a diarrhetic which means it may have caused soldiers some discomfort on the battlefield. Another thing to note is that, since caffeine is so addictive, any shortage of coffee would negatively impact soldiers’ performances. While the Union did joke about how their excess supply of coffee would win them the war, it may have actually been a factor since they had a consistent supply. Personally, I would definitely give up coffee over food since I don’t drink that much coffee anyway.

The food I can’t live without is ice cream. It’s awesome.


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HW #2-Food and Coffee During Civil War

Gender roles played a big part in the evolution of culinary skills with Civil War soldiers. The Sanitary was responsible for supplying a reliable food source and rations for the soldiers. A member of The Sanitary worked to provide the soldiers with a better food supply and ways to better prepare the food. They taught a soldier for every 100 men the basics of cooking. As the soldier was responsible for the cooking of the food, they would also rotate another soldier as their assistant to learn. I found it most fascinating that the soldiers had to find ways to preserve their food over a long course of time because the war lasted longer than expected and weather conditions and the season effected the availability for certain foods, fruits, and vegetables. The most interesting of the foods that the soldiers ate was the hardtack. The hardtack was a cracker whose shelf life is infinite if stored properly. It was used to hold soldiers over in between meals or when their next food ration was delivered. The hardtack was also a tough cracker. Soldiers had to find ways to soften up the hardtack in order to make it easier to eat.

The food that I cannot live without is cheese. Whether it is the beloved cheesecake, Polly-O’s string cheese, or just cubed/sliced cheese, I love cheese in all of its forms.

Specialty Cheese Platter

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