Tag Archives: Pulp fiction

Homework #2 – Pulp Fiction opening scene

First off, Pulp Fiction has got to be one of my favorite movies of all time and Quentin Tarantino definitely deserves all the credit. In this opening scene, actors Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer open the movie by discussing their strategy for robbing places as a resort to get money. If you’ve seen this movie, you’ll know that this scene only appears at the beginning and at the end of the movie, which is what makes it so good. Throughout the rest of the movie, Jules ( Samuel Jackson) and Vince (John Travolta) go through a series of life changing events in which at the end, they end up at the same diner that actor Tim Roth is about to rob. What makes this movie so enjoyable to watch is the comedy involved but also the action and storyline along with it. Samuel Jackson also plays an incredible character in this movie. I loved this movie because it was breathtaking to see how the plot of the movie develops and everything in this movie connects to each other. It just all makes sense in the end and was truly a genius piece of work by Quentin. This movie is truly a classic.