Homework #1: Introduce Yourself Reply

Hello, I’m Natasha. I am a senior, and this is my last class before graduating. I major in Hospitality Management but I really have a fondness for art, especially for film and photography, which explains my interest in this course. I enjoy an array of genres of film, from comedy, fantasy to film noir. I particularly enjoy watching films in the comfort of my home, as opposed to the movie theaters. Sometimes, I feel that I miss certain elements of a film watching it from a big screen because my eyes cannot simply cover the entire screen at once, whereas, a television or computer screen makes it easier. I also admit to being that person with the habit of rewinding back to certain scenes when I feel I may have caught on to an insightful clue, or a very subtle but important action that may be occuring in the background of a film. Yes, I actually enjoy dissecting apart films for analysis (but not always). I have taken a Films from Literature course, here at City Tech, which I highly reccommend to anyone who enjoys reading/writing and watching movies; however, this will be my first experience learning about the origins of film making. Therefore, I am really looking forward to this course. :)

2 thoughts on “Homework #1: Introduce Yourself Reply”

  1. Hey, my name is Abe Aviles. I’m a Junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I’m a big movie fanatic and depending on what movies are out, I’d go around twice a month. My favorite movie out this year would be Taken 3 and off all time would be Casino Royale featuring Daniel Craig. This is my first time taking an Art History class and I’m ready to see what’s it about.

  2. Hello! My name is Stephanie Orellana. I have my bachelors of science in biology and chemistry and have recently returned to school to continue my studies. This is my second year at City tech and my major is nursing. This is my first film history course which is why I don’t know much on the subject besides the fact that I enjoy watching different types of films. I enjoy watching a variety of movies except horror movies. I can watch them but mostly don’t care for them much. I enjoy watching different genres and I always look to what is new and upcoming in the cinema world. I usually watch movies from home or when the weather is warmer, a group of friends come over and we watch them on a projector outside. My best friend works in production and editing of films, operas, and documentaries and he is always talking about how things are put together and I’ve always found it interesting. I learned to enjoy watching the versatile talent of actors, the creativity of directors and the way the production is done to capture viewers.

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