My name is Xavier Cruz, most people who know me very well just call me X, although I don’t really mind it. This is my second semester as a college freshman. I joined this class looking for a new beginning with my fellow peers. I am Puerto Rican but was born and raised in the Bronx with my 3 other siblings and parents. Graphic design and other aspects of the subject has always interested me. I feel like there’s so much that can be learned from the basic principles, including using your artist intellect to understand the perspective of others by looking into what makes an assignment. I’m hoping that like last semester, I am able to learn new things every time in class so that I have something to look forward to for the next class. Overall, I want to improve my general skills by stacking upon what I already know and touching upon more information. I am very excited to see what the new semester has to offer me. You never know what may happen along the way. I also look forward to learning more about each and everyone of you guys. Here’s to a great few months.
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Welcome to the class Xavier and good luck with the semester.