Log #04 lets start (culture)

The first week of my internship was a very different experience for me, it was my first time working remotely. I constantly need to check my email for updates throughout the day. The pandemic made zoom become a popular tool to communicate via video chat on the web. The majority of the week my task was given through email and I would have a meeting day which was done on a zoom session with a small team. The zoom session helped to add clarity to anything that wasn’t understood over email. It felt overwhelming at first to have my 9-5 job and still have time to juggle my internship task. This week my internship had me preparing for a pop-up for small black business owners that are women would be attending. In preparation for the pop-up, I was told to continue to promote the upcoming event on social media to inform previous clients that they would be able to purchase product there. I loved the fact that I would get to learn what goes into making a setup as a pop-up possible to be able to sell products. I also was taken away that the event was gonna be for women business owners.


I read an article on Harvard business by Donna Kelleywhich she stated that she “found that 61% of Black women self-fund their total start-up capital. This is in spite of the fact that in our analysis of the GEM data only 29% of Black women entrepreneurs live in households with incomes over $75,000, compared to 52% of white men. This result, along with data showing that Black people take on a higher level of debt to go to college, and are less likely to own their own home, suggest that educated Black women are encumbered with debt, and have fewer personal resources and low collateral”. reading that article made me acknowledge as a person who was interning for a small business a lot goes into having the privilege to employ others to make your business grow. I could only imagine how hard and the sacrifice that needed to be made to run a business based on data I read. As my boss is black owned entrepreneur the brand focuses on the care for your hair everyday regimen, with our ALL NATURAL and ORGANIC hair products for men and women. These products are handmade and hand whipped to perfection in her home. It’t so important that her audience knows her story and what it took to get her business where it is today.