Log #13 Reflection

The semester had flown by I’ve learned a lot this semester during my internship it was bittersweet for it to be over. Even though my internship didn’t have the resources to give me an employment opportunity I was still happy about the opportunity I had to grow. Working for a smaller company comes with the challenges of putting on many hats for different positions. Throughout this semester I was able to push myself beyond what I had for myself. During my time I was able to work on my videography and editing skills which I think will be a skill that’s gonna be heavily in the industry. My internship has taught me a lot about the importance of being mindful of the content you put out on social media. As a designer, it’s very important to do your research because you never know how the information you’re sending out might be interpreted.
I also know as a designer people are going to interpret the work however they want but being mindful of the messages I’m putting out into the world is important. In most of my classes, it’s been very independent work so it was great to experience what it’s like working with a team on a professional level. overall my teamwork sessions were very helpful to the production of the projects. I’m very thankful to have a professor that shared so many resources when looking for an opportunity for work that I feel very positive about my journey in my professional career.