Monthly Archives: July 2018

My First Term

For this post, write 7-10 sentences about your experience this summer at City Tech. Was it what you expected? Better? Worse? Why? What bothered or upset you? What made you smile? How do you think this will affect the rest of your time in college?

Be sure to click on the My First Term category box in the right-hand Categories menu, then Publish.

Reply to at least one other person’s post.

“Girl” collage

Read “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid.

For this post, you’ll be imitating the story, but you’ll be using your own life as the subject matter. What do people say to you? Expect you to do? Get upset with you about? Encourage or praise you about?

Write approximately 100-150 words.

Be sure to hit the “Girl” category box in the Categories menu on the right-hand side, then Publish.

Reply to at least one other person’s post.


A “stereotype” is just another name for “profiling” — deciding everything about a person based on their looks.

For this post,

  1. Read the essay “Napping While Black (and Other Transgressions)”. You have a handout, but here’s the link to the New York Times site.
  2. Write at least 7 sentences about a time when you felt like you were being stereotyped or profiled. What happened? How did you react? How did you feel afterward? Have you ever stereotyped someone else?

Be sure to click on the Stereotypes category box in the Categories menu on the right hand side, then Publish.

Reply to at least one other person’s post.


Read p.35 “First Week Attendance Really Does Matter” in The Companion.

Write a post (7-10 sentences) about a time when you or someone you know didn’t show up when they were supposed to. What happened because of it? How did you end up feeling about it?

Be sure to click on the Attendance category box in the right-hand Categories menu, then hit Publish.

Replay to at least one other person’s post.

Place Description

For this post (7-10 sentences), you’re going to tell us about a place that matters to you and post an image to go with it.  It could be your neighborhood, your room, a favorite place you like to go, another country…

  • Use all the specifics you can think of — colors, textures, light, smells, sounds.
  • Tell us why this place matters to you. How do you feel about it?
  • What do you want other people to feel or know about this place?
  • Addan image of the place or something that’s like it.

Be sure to click on the Place Description category box in the right-hand Categories menu, the hit Publish.

Reply to at least one other person’s post.


First, read:

  • In The Companion, read p.39 “It Begins with a P – Procrastination.”
  • In The Companion, read p.61 “Criteria for Success.”

Create a new post:

  • Write 7-10 sentences and tell us about a time you procrastinated. What happened? What was the result of your procrastination? Was it positive or negative? Who else was involved or impacted?
  • Check the Procrastination category box in the right-hand Categories menu.
  • Publish.

Be sure to reply to at least one other person’s Post.

Day 1 Image

First, create a new post.

  1. Create a post using the + sign on the top.
  2. Add an image:
    • Find an image on the internet or in your own image files.
    • Put it into your post using the Add Media icon.
  3. Explain in 3 to 5 sentences why you chose this image. What does it explain about you?
  4. Be sure to click on the correct Category in the right-hand Categories menu.
  5. Hit Publish.

Second, reply to at least one other person’s post using the Reply button on the Post page.