Write Out Loud!

Paragraphs of Jorge Rivas

It is so sad to feel alone, when I got in school every year of my life I felt that I wasn’t like the other students Because I saw all of them talking and laughing and I just sit dawn and pay attention to the lessons every day every year, when school starts I entered and saw students talking about how their summer was and how they feel about starting school again, I wanted to have someone to tell how I felt but I was no sure if I would be accepted.

Here is the problem I’m from Guatemala and the problem is not my ethnicity, it is that I didn’t knew anything in English and most of my teammates only speaks English, I had to learn it but then I was nervous about speaking in a new language, I decided to talk to a teammate that was next to me, he was really friendly and we became friends, then he helped me to lose my nervous of talking in English in public and I’m so glad for that.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is a really nice start, Jorge. Very visual, and I can absolutely feel how emotional it was for you. This should/could turn into a terrific Education Narrative. Good job!

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