"Game On, Python!"

Dragon – Akash Patel

It was a bright day as Robin has nothing to do. As he was walking everything was shining. Suddenly, a husband and wife drop from a top building in his neighborhood. He was shocked that they were pretty friendly to him and they suicided. Robin found a letter from them saying they didn’t have the money to treat their daughter. That girl was suffering from a brain tumor. Robin started crying, as he went to look for the little girl. Robin felt sad when he saw the girl, however, he didn’t even give a thought that he wouldn’t help her. Therefore, he borrowed money from his dad and his friend to treat her. After the treatment that little girl recovered and smiled at Robin, this smile gave him satisfaction. As Robin went outside of the hospital to the hallway he saw there were other kids just like that little kid, they were either suffering from cancer or other diseases and there isn’t money to treat as the doctor said. Robin thought helping the little girl gave him that much satisfaction so he decided to help all of those kids.

However, helping all of those kids required a big amount of money which was the issue here. Robin asked the CEO(Chief Executive officer) of the hospital to help those kids but the CEO laughed at Robin and gave him a few 50 bucks. Robin felt very angry and walked away from there. As he didn’t have any sources of money to help those kids, he came up with an idea, which was robbing the people who are corrupted and had black money. So he started robbing one by one from the person who held less amount of black money compared to the others. As he was doing it, he faced a problem. It was a police officer who was looking for him, at the end the police officer caught Robin, however, Robin tricked the police officer and got away, and robbed the person who held the most of black money from the high quality of locker. Later on, he used this money to treat those kids.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This feels like it could potentially be an interesting IF story, although I really don’t know enough about the main character to understand what would influence him to make the choices he’s going to have to make. I get that this is based on Robin Hood, but right now, he feels kind of random at the beginning, so I don’t really understand what would motivate him to do the things he does or make the choices he’s going to make. What about him or his life or background would lead him to either be kind but then decide to steal? Is that a hard set of choices or simple? He needs to be developed in order for the story to work.

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