"Game On, Python!"

Dragon – Ria Arora

The day was going pretty good for Sasha as she was about to get promotion at her workplace due to the hard work she has been putting in her work. She was too excited to share this news with her family and friends. But, while returning from her job she saw an accident happen in front of her eyes which made her really scared to an extent that she had to pull over her car to calm herself down. Thinking about that accident, she worried about her family and reached home as soon as possible. On reaching, she didn’t talk to anybody and neither did she shared the news, rather went straight to her room. Sasha wasn’t able to forget the incident and was disturbed by it for a long time.

Suddenly, one day her grandmother got really sick that she had to be hospitalized immediately. While waiting for the doctors to respond, all that was going in Sasha’s mind was that accident. She was afraid to lose any family member. What she feared since that accident was just about to happen; it was a heart attack and her grandmother was no more. After this incident, she decided to help everyone around her and even joined an orphanage to spread her motive as much as possible. Sometimes what we fear the most happen with us out of nowhere and takes all our happiness in just a moment.


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Okay, well… there’s ONE line :-). What’s next?

    • Ria Arora

      I wrote the whole story. I don’t know why it didn’t came up!

  2. Shadman Khan

    This story inspired me

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