From what I’ve seen so far digital literacy can be defined as an individual’s ability to utilize the various services that the technological world has given us. This can include digital platforms like Microsoft Word or the ability to surf through the internet looking for reliable information in accordance with your studies. A digital literacy narrative is something specific to the individual. It is the story of how someone was introduced to the technological world, and how much an impact it has had on them. So a digital literacy narrative is someone’s personal experiences with the technology, and how often people disagree on the impact technology is having on us. Many of the literacy narratives on libguide echo the same beliefs.  The writers believe that technology is an amazing tool. This can be seen in pg3 of Campbell’s DLN. “The internet provides us with a great array of knowledge and technology that we would otherwise not experience through objects such as books and other materials.” I wholeheartedly agree, it bewilders me how effective and easy technology, particularly the internet can be. I  mean what else can give you millions of sources of information with just a few clicks? However most of these DLMs also talk about how people are becoming too dependent on technology. One of the DLMs authors tells us about their usage of spark notes in high school.  She mentions that since the internet gave her a tool like spark notes. A tool that practically gave her the answers to her specific questions, she couldn’t help but use it. The problem with this is that students need a less thorough understanding of things in order to get work done. It is much too easy to find the answers that your classes are asking for with a mere google search. Though you may get the answer instantly you’re most likely not actually having to really learn what it is you’re reading. We’ve become dependent on the internet to the point where many will not question what the internet presents them. I feel like many forget that the internet is accessible to anyone, and any information could be put up on there. Students are not looking at the credibility of the information they are learning, which is an example of bad digital literacy skills. For many it seems that the internet is like the constitution, the ultimate law. People will believe anything the internet tells them, and will fail to learn how to differentiate good info, from bad info. This can be seen in Katherine’s DLN when she states “The rhetorical arguments, logos, ethos and pathos are ingrained within print and digital Barth 2 texts so flawlessly sometimes audiences don’t realize they are being directed toward a specific conclusion.” 

        Another quote I wanted to mention is this one, “Although I now feel as though I can’t escape and ‘turn off’ the world of communication, this wasn’t always so.” This quote tells us of the negatives of digital literacy. It suggests that humans are becoming so dependent on this to the point where they feel like they can not function or get away from a device like their phone. Someone I admire, Elon musk once mentioned how humans have already partly become cyborgs. What he’s talking about are the negative effects digital literacy has had on humans. Humans have become so dependent on their cell phone. To the point that if they are without them any time, they feel as though they’re missing an essential part of them. I mean without them you’re very limited in the sense, that you can’t contact anyone or search anything up, but the point is that the laziness and dependability that comes from technology may be preventing us from deeper and more critical levels of thinking.

2) I was introduced to technology at a relatively young age. I was growing up in a world where if you could navigate and know your way around a computer, you would be far ahead of other students. So I took it upon myself to learn about the internet, and it has had much impact on my life. So I feel like talking about this, may be a good place to start my DLN.

3) I’m a little worried about how much we may have to write. I don’t know how long I can make an essay on a topic like a DLN. I feel like there may not be enough to say. I’m probably wrong.