Jacquelyn Blain

Mentor Text

The mentor texts that I looked at in regards to my topic all had the same structure. its like they all tell a story in the first person point of view. the example showed research because it had hyperlinks leading to other short stories that I can use to get an idea of how my project should look. each example was about a page long each. I think the target audience was adolescents between ages of 19-25.Some aspects that I would emulate in my own project are, not to make too long for it to become boring. I would like to avoid repetition in my project so that it won’t be long a draw out , I want it eye catching and interesting so the reader doesn’t get bored.


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This still sounds like you’re about to write a personal essay, kind of like the education narrative we did at the beginning of the term. We should talk about it since you said you were doing a short story, and personal narrative is very different. I don’t know a short story ever that used an expert source or quotes…

    • RyanYu

      I just updated my post can u let me know if u understand what im saying now

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