Nervous, since I took the same class last semester and I couldn’t finish it because of Covid and hardship in class.
My only worries and concerns for this class is writing since I feel like I always been weak is this department.
Maybe the first week I may some internet and hw issues but after the 6 days holiday everything should be back to normal.
Well my full name is Md Shahat Choudhury. I am 20 years of age. Majoring in CST. I am originally from Bangladesh but a citizens of USA right now.
I have a great passion for sneakers in which I have built my own company on with focuses on acquiring highly sort after sneakers for retail price then to sell at aftermarket for higher resell price. I been trying to build my own little collection of really hyped sneakers as well on the side.
I think it was my dad whole came up with my name. He made it so it rhymes with my older brothers name. My last. name “Choudhury” came from my long line of past family which holds and great value back home.
I had problems with writing too, a tip that I had was reading books that I found interesting and trying to emulate how the author wrote until I developed my own style
So are you part of the hype beast community, or at least the part that’s all about sneakers? I’ve had several students who were — a couple even wrote essays about it last term in my 1121 class (fascinating stuff, by the way).