Based on the New York Times article about the Mona Lina being taken down, I would agree that the 16th-century Italian masterpiece be relocated to a place of its own due to the chaotic overcrowding and disappointed visitors. According to the New York Times article, âThe overcrowding was so bad, the museum had to shut its doors on several days.â This proves how itâs negatively impacting museum visitors and the employees of the Louvre. By building a separate place for the Mona Lisa and selling tickets with time sloths for groups of 10-15, can allow visitors from all over the world to a better view of the Mona Lina in a well-organized manner. The space can also provide a selfie booth, through which visitors can download their picture as they leave.
Tag: hw 4
Garnet Garcia – HW3: Whatâs On Your Thanksgiving Plate?
This was the first time I made brownies for Thanksgiving!! It was really fun and my little sisters helped. My father made sweet plantain and bacon-wrapped filet mignon. Apparently, he made this for his dad’s 50th birthday back in the 70s or 80s and this was his first time making the dish since, so that was really special to me.