After reading the article by New York Times, I do believe the Mona Lisa should be located somewhere other than the Louvre because if one painting is causing so much chaos then that becomes a problem to the staff and the tourists. If you have to crowd around one picture like you’re at a concert then going to the Louvre to see The Mona Lisa is not worth it. They should give The Mona Lisa it’s own building away from the Louvre just the minimize the crowding. There is other important works of art at the Louvre that people should be focusing on not just The Mona Lisa.
Category: Uncategorized
HW #4 Is it Time to Take Down the Mona Lisa
It Isn’t time to take down Mona Lisa, because this painting has been around for centuries. In terms of it’s history and the meaning behind it. It shows what this painting represents. It would be better if they were to relocate to the museum, because most people who haven’t seen this painting can take the time and obverse it. Rather than having other people to get rid of it, without having and reason explaining why. In addition for moving Mona Lisa to the museum would also benefit others who support this painting can rebel until they can come to an understanding. That way they can take pictures of this painting face to face rather than seeing it online.
Is It Time To Take Down The Mona Lisa?
In my opinion I believe that the Mona Lisa should be taken down or at least should be moved to another location where it is appreciated. After reading the article, mass of the group of spectators who go to the Louver to see the Mona Lisa are not intrigued any longer. They are even going as far as criticizing the famous Mona Lisa questioning what’s so special about this painting. I believe they should consider the idea of bringing down the Mona Lisa for a brief timeframe and only should they put her up on special occasions such as the anniversary of her making. I Feel that having the option to just show case it a couple of times out of the year is a smart thought because of the reality, individuals are overlooking the genuine worth of this piece. Making the Mona Lisa difficult to go over will have individuals welcome it somewhat more after not having the option to consider it to be every now and again as in the past.
HW4: Is it time to take down the Mona Lisa?
In this article it breaks down the problem regarding the famous painting the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci . It is such a famous painting , it shameful to think The Louvre which hold the greatest art collection in all of Europe would not comprehend the significant of this art . It is a little hard to believe that the Louvre held that much people/tourists but what I didn’t understand was the criticism the Louvre had to face , tourist should not be so quick to complain because it was a uncontrollable events . In the article the director of the Louvre mentioned taking step to prepare to alleviate the problem the Mona Lisa had created , while reading this article it explains how many famous painting that was displayed but was ignored because most of the people came to see Leonardo Masterpiece so I don’t think the Louvre should give up on the art so easy but that only if they make the improvement to display the painting more comfortable for the public.
Reminder: Final Exam (Quiz 5!) is on Monday 12/16

This is a reminder that the Final is next week, on Monday 12/16 at 11:30 am. Please arrive promptly. Don’t forget to review the last post with the terminology and expanded format for the quiz.
In addition, I have posted the supplementary extra credit assignment that involves manipulating some code under Class Downloads on our OpenLab website. Please remember all extra credits are optional, and all are due at the end of finals week on Friday 12/20 by midnight.
Lastly, thanks for letting me know about Maurizio Cattelan’s banana in Miami Basel. I thought you would like to read how locals in Miami are using the incident to raise important issues of social equity.
See you on Monday!
Daniel O HW3: what on your Thanksgiving plate?
During the holiday there was multiple food that was made for my thanksgiving dinner. Both image are of an African traditional dishes . The Nigerian red stew is a popular dish in my Culture which include goat meat and smoked turkey , Most African dishes are made of a large portions of stews and soups. The meat pie would be my favorite African dish the taste just leaves you speechless, the meat pie have been influences in other culture such as Hispanic , Europeans, Etc . During my family thanksgiving party I had noticed both dishes were the most popular choice even those of other culture heritage fell in love with both dishes , Im very sure there was no left over after the dinner .