HW#2: Photographing and Describing Texture

tex·ture          /ˈteksCHər/       noun

  1. the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Olivier Richon, Spiritual Exercise, 2012. From ibidgallery.com

Olivier Richon, Spiritual Exercise, 2012. From ibidgallery.com

For this week’s homework, I ask you to think about the idea of texture in food, and how does one capture texture in a photograph. The key to communicating texture in photography is to pay careful attention to detail. For the homework, you get to practice taking a photograph and uploading it to Instagram. For example, look at the photograph by contemporary photographer Olivier Richon and note how it gives you a sense of the texture of an egg, an object that we’ll be thinking about a lot this semester. Take a food-related photo (something you made or saw), and upload your photo to Instagram with a short 150-character caption describing the texture of your food item. 

Please use the Hashtags  #JayStCam or #ArtTartTech.

If you do NOT want to use Instagram, please post your photo here on the OpenLab and write a 100-word description.


HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Photos of food on Instagram

Photos of food on Instagram

For this homework, you will need to create an account on the OpenLab. To get started follow the directions on the OpenLab’s Getting Started Page and to learn how to post your homework, please review my Posting Homework Guidelines located above.

The objective of this homework is 1-to familiarize yourself with creating a post on our Openlab website and 2-to consider the use of photography in social media for the food industry.

What do you think of the use of social media in hospitality? Listen to this short newscast on Food Instagrammers who turned their social media presence into a business. New Fork City is a branding business developed from taking and sharing pictures of the food. The company is run by college students and their Instagram account is nearing a million followers. Even restaurants are designing their menus and decor to encourage the use of social media. A local Manhattan restaurant relies on Instagram to help sales and a Los Angeles-based teahouse designed their interior to encourage visitors to post photographs.

First listen and read the articles hyperlinked in the passage above. Then write and submit a 200-word post to share your thoughts on photography, social media, and the food industry with your classmates. Some points to think about include, do you take and share photos of food, do you look at food photos to help you decide where to eat out or what to cook?

Homework #1 is DUE on Monday, February 5 by midnight.