HW#4: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Falling Soldier

Robert Capa, “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” 1936

At the age of 23, Robert Capa took a photograph that many have labeled the greatest war photograph of all time. Taken during the Spanish Civil War, the renown of Capa’s photograph, Falling Soldier or Death of a Loyalist Soldier, reverberated around the world as it was published and republished in contemporary news magazines. However, Capa’s photo has been shadowed by controversy, including accusations of fakery. Click on the link below and read an analysis on the image by Capa’s biographer, Robert Whelan, on the authenticity of the photograph. Do you find his arguments convincing? Do you think Capa’s photograph is staged or not? And do you think its authenticity matters? If you wish, you can compare Capa’s photograph to another controversial image.

Richard Whelan’s discussion of Capa’s photograph

To complete this homework assignment, please submit a 200-word post.

Please post your responses by Monday, April 30th.

Croughnuts in a box

The Dominique Ansel Bakery located in Lower Manhattan has been making batches of this doughnut and croissant fusion filled with a filling of the week, this one in particular was salted caramel. All the works of a doughnut, but the flakiness, texture, and layers of a croissant filled in with a creamy salted caramel filling in between each layer and a nice amount of granulated salt. It was sweet, soft, and moist and all of this put in a box. The line to get a box of two croughnuts wraps around the corner of Spring street and Thompson street, people would line up an hour before opening to get their hands on a small box of croughnuts.

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Looking Deeper ! by Hyheda Barrett

In this picture composition it speaks alot as you can identify the professionalism and neatness of this baker or cake designer. The person illustrated in this photo her dedication to careful time,effort and incorporated design of the cake which depicts the end product. In the background captured by the photographer she looks as if she works for a bakery that specialize in maybe wedding cakes and their end product is really what matter the most .She also looks organized based on the tools in the background. Looking closer you can also see other types of cake made presumingly by the same person. Her pose with this cake tells alot such as professionalism, very detailed individual, neat, organized and passionated about cakes in general.


HW#3: Photographing and Describing Composition

com·po·si·tion      \käm-pə-ˈzi-shən\        noun

  1. arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form.
Paul Strand photo of a worker carrying a large Parmesan cheese wheel

Paul Strand, Parmesan wheel, Luzzara, Italy, 1953 From: www.theguardian.com

For this week’s homework, think about the idea of composition in food, and how does one capture good composition in a photograph. Composition is an art history term that refers to the arrangement of elements within a work of art. An equivalent would be the attention given to plating in hospitality. For the homework, please take a food-related photograph and upload it to Instagram, and describe the composition. For example, look at the photograph by Paul Strand and note how the figure of a man carrying a Parmesan cheese wheel fills up most of the frame. The man’s head, the tops of shoulders and his hand are visible next to the large, circular form of the cheese. The composition gives you a sense of the strength of the worker, the size of the cheese wheel, and the physical labor involved in producing Parmesan. Take a food-related photo (something you made or saw), and upload your photo to Instagram with a short 150-character (150 letters not words!) caption describing the composition of your photograph. 

Please use the Hashtags  #JayStCam or #ArtTartTech.

If you do NOT want to use Instagram, please post your photo here on the OpenLab and write a 100-word description.