Stuffed Animal



I feel that this was my personal best from our stuffed animal shoot because it was after taking this picture that I understood what to do to create the contrast as explained in the Inverse Square Law video. Though it could’ve been more dramatic, I feel that this photo shows the drop off on the right side because the darker side of the frog seems to blend into the background. What creates that is the light being at the side but I feel that we may not have had our light as far back as we needed it to make the contrast stronger because most of him is well lit and the dark side isn’t as dark as we had been going for. Either the light should have been moved  or the frog wasn’t positioned properly in this shot. Regardless, I feel that this was a good start because we were able to create images with higher contrast. I really like this photo because the frog just looks happy and inviting so even with this dark background, you get a feeling of happiness.


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Lighting, Inverse Square Law.








This is my personal best photograph, I really like this photograph because of the feeling behind the shot. We have the lion as if it was punished by someone, it gives a sense of sadness to the photo. In addition, the lighting is coming from the side and the shot was taken on a high angle giving the photo a dramatic feeling as well. Also this image helped me to understand the Inverse Square Law, and give me ideas on how to use it in different tasks.


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Inverse Square Law

Today in class we learned about the inverse square law, and practiced it on stuffed animals as subjects. A heavy emphasis was placed upon contrast to illustrate different emotions within the subjects. The picture I chose was my personal favorite mainly because of it’s wide array of lighting and how it makes a friendly looking stuff animal look sinister. 15766583775_95ec399b26_o

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The childhood








This is my personal best. The reason is because of the lighting. it gives it this deep dark feeling. A feeling of sadness, loneliness unwanted. The light is coming from the top. There is a soft shadow. I like the contrast it has between the light yellow duck and how much the light can effect the image so fast the mood.

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Lighting : Constrast


This image is the one that I believe is the best. In this photo we have high contrast, with the light hitting the stuffed animal towards the right side of this picture. There are hardly any middle grays. I would also describe this photo as low key because of the dark tones seen. The feeling I get from this photo is of desperation and even sadness because of the lighting featured in this photo.

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This photo has a low key contrast. The light used a spot grid modifier to help direct the light onto the subject intensely. Since the light was too strong at first, we off centered the light to keep the pale skin color properly exposed.

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My Best 2


I consider this picture to be my best of the bunch my group took because it makes the most of the inverse square law to maximize falloff and create the dark shadows. The way the light adheres to the curvature of the beaver’s eyes also accentuates the dark mood as it creates the illusion that the stuffed animal is looking at the camera.

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This was my favorite photograph of today. The texture of the stuffed animals looks amazing. The object being backlit gave it this glow that makes it have a powerful feel. In this high contrast photo we decided to place the dog a bit of the center for a different feel.

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Lighting and Contrasting


I like the lighting here because it makes the subject more sinister and suspicious. The contrast of light and dark on the subject also creates a dramatic and sly characteristic on the toy.

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Childhood Light

IMG_9960-2The lighting contrast of this image shows a low contrast. The darkness surrounding them gives an evil vibe. Something with peer pressure. This image shows the effect that lighting can change the mood in an instant.

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