Category Archives: Uncategorized

Liquid Art

Today in class we photographed liquids in various ways to create interesting images. By capturing the liquid in motion my group and I were able to create dynamic photographs. The photo I chose is my personal best because of the … Continue reading

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My Best 3

I consider this picture to be my best today because of the mood the hard shadows and close up create. The direct lighting on the pineapple leads to dramatic fall off, which ends up conveying an overwhelming tension.

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Still Life

This my favorite photo that was taken in my group. A green paper was held over the camera. This led to the overall green image seen in this photo. It also effected the colors of the strobe light which led … Continue reading

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DIY home studio

When I began to set up my at home studio, I thought it would be a breeze because I had some materials like lights that I bought a year or two ago. Unfortunately I was unable to find the lights … Continue reading

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HW #1

HW # 1 – DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY II If I were the art director in charge of the Honda FCX Clarity, a fuel cell Electric Vehicle, the photographer I Would choose is Tim Wallace. Although Tim Wallace typically photographs cars that … Continue reading

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Lost Dog

  Our group decided to do something different when we’re capturing the mood of sadness. We experimented many ways but it wasn’t working out. We tried different angles placement of the camera. None was successful. Until my partner got tired … Continue reading

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Stuffed Animal

  I feel that this was my personal best from our stuffed animal shoot because it was after taking this picture that I understood what to do to create the contrast as explained in the Inverse Square Law video. Though … Continue reading

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Lighting, Inverse Square Law.

            This is my personal best photograph, I really like this photograph because of the feeling behind the shot. We have the lion as if it was punished by someone, it gives a sense of … Continue reading

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Inverse Square Law

Today in class we learned about the inverse square law, and practiced it on stuffed animals as subjects. A heavy emphasis was placed upon contrast to illustrate different emotions within the subjects. The picture I chose was my personal favorite … Continue reading

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The childhood

            This is my personal best. The reason is because of the lighting. it gives it this deep dark feeling. A feeling of sadness, loneliness unwanted. The light is coming from the top. There is … Continue reading

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