Category Archives: Learning Logs

More on Composition

I like the composition of this photograph, I think the little addition of color makes it a bit interesting to look at, also the color is not too bright and gives the photograph a feeling of sadness. Also it focuses … Continue reading

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Low Angle

I like this photo because it’s more focus on the middle switch than the rest. It’s a close-up shot so we can see it with more details and it seems better when it’s at a low angle than a high … Continue reading

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Deep Space Reflection

  I chose this picture as my personal best because of the way the lines stretch away to the person standing several yards down the hall. The way he sits in the void of the chair’s space creates an effect … Continue reading

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Today’s Best

i think this photo was my best today. i like how up close and personal the photo is, and how clearly you can see this persons hair fibers, it also gives forth a dark mood, and a low key image

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Refresher Rundown

  I like this shot because the back light is very defused because of the clouds. This element allows for the subject to be much darker than the light. With these combinations the overall composition is great. I would like … Continue reading

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Up Close Scavenger Hunt List

I feel that this picture is my personal best mainly because of the various ranges of contrast. The low key shadows and dark colors really gives the photograph a certain uneasy mood/feeling, which then makes the red handle standout. To … Continue reading

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LL1- Greg Shapps – Coke AdOn

At first glance the image is clearly an advertising photo due to the composition. The photographer, Greg Shapps, is trying to make the selling point the taste of the Coke drink. The image itself interests me because Shapps manages to … Continue reading

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LL2-More on Composition

Post a small version of the photo with the strongest composition that you shot today. Describe in several sentences what makes the photograph’s composition effective.

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Nicolas Duers

Duers’ photograph of cameras is approached with the use of front lit lighting the creates high contrast thanks to the colors the subject. He emphasized the camera’s textures by keeping all of them in sharp focus. The focus is maintained between … Continue reading

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The rat who ran way

Chris Collins has a variety of interesting photographs. One that caught my attention a lot was one with a rat who was riding a scooter. Not only was it humors but interesting. His use of light was sidelight and the … Continue reading

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