Category Archives: Learning Logs

Still life

I like this photo because the background flashlight created lightning along with fire-like light around the pineapple with some light on the pineapple itself.

Posted in LL5-Still Life: Creating Mood | 1 Comment

Personal Best; Dole.

              I really like this photo because of the dark tone to it. The pineapple is the main subject but the ambient lighting gives it a dark feeling. Also represents gives a sense of … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-Still Life: Creating Mood | 1 Comment

I like this photograph because it looks as if the stuffed animal is proud and strong with his head held high and his eyes looking forward. I believe the lighting helps a lot in the description because its over exposed … Continue reading

Posted in LL1-Composition | Leave a comment

Lost Dog

  Our group decided to do something different when we’re capturing the mood of sadness. We experimented many ways but it wasn’t working out. We tried different angles placement of the camera. None was successful. Until my partner got tired … Continue reading

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Inverse Square Law

Today in class we learned about the inverse square law, and practiced it on stuffed animals as subjects. A heavy emphasis was placed upon contrast to illustrate different emotions within the subjects. The picture I chose was my personal favorite … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, Uncategorized | 1 Comment


  This photo has a low key contrast. The light used a spot grid modifier to help direct the light onto the subject intensely. Since the light was too strong at first, we off centered the light to keep the … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Studio Light Basics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Lighting and Contrasting

I like the lighting here because it makes the subject more sinister and suspicious. The contrast of light and dark on the subject also creates a dramatic and sly characteristic on the toy.

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The idea for this photo came to our group by accident. While doing a different shot, we noticed that we could create an image where the egg was almost completely half lit, half shadow. So to achieve this, we stood … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Studio Light Basics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Egg Shot

Today we are dealing studio lighting with having an egg our models. What i love about this photo is that its placed in the center. The reflection of the egg was casted due to the light and the table that … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Studio Light Basics | Leave a comment

Personal Fav

  Due to the direction of the lighting the egg appears to be very smooth. the light is very soft and provides a shadow as well as the eggs reflection. I really like the way it appears in photograph, its … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Studio Light Basics | 1 Comment