Category Archives: LL7-Multiple Exposures

LL7- Multiple Exposures -REstrada

  The assignment for this week involved us having to take multiple exposures for our shots. This idea has always intrigued me in manner in which one has to set this type of shot up. The basic idea is to … Continue reading

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Multiple Exposures

I think this photo came out well because it was where we finally realized that the more movement and flashes, the more blur in the photo. We solved one of these problems by having them stand still so that at least … Continue reading

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m exposures

I like the strong sense  symmetry in this image. The lighting is strong in the center  and the ghosting gets stronger on the outside  and center of the image witch helps show the symmetry of the image.

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Multiple Exposure

  This photo was one of the ideas for our story where we had someone randomly give birth to a coat. It was amusing to shoot and it came out better than expected. The shutter speed setting was set to … Continue reading

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Multiple Exposure

  This image is one of my favorites from the multiple exposure series.  I feel like this image captures movement well and tells a unique story. It is a nicely composed, low key image. The movement going on in the … Continue reading

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This image in particular is my favorite because my group managed to capture motion, with some stability. The image is not overly chaotic but it shows different positions. I believe the image is well lit as well with a nice … Continue reading

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Multiple Exposure

This is my first time using multiple Exposure and it has been such a a great experience and very fun. The reason that this is my personal best is because of the mood that this image gives out.  Its very … Continue reading

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Motion Picture

Today in class we did stop motion photography, which allowed us to get a wide range of interesting photographs. I believe this picture was my personal best of the day mainly because of the strangeness of it. Since I took … Continue reading

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Multiple Exposures

  Today we worked with multiple exposures. The shutter speed was set on bulb which let us create different poses in one. This photograph was my favorite we had to tell a story with a beginning, middle and end. In … Continue reading

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Multiple Exposures

This is my favorite photograph from today’s shoot because of the whole composition of it. First the image is really busy and the subject is covering the whole frame. Also working with multiple exposures, makes the subject looking more interesting. … Continue reading

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