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yinshi huang week 12-13

4/30/14    Today I started work on the last page of the brochure. This page contains information about who will be benefit by using the LED and LCD ad players. This page also needed a lot of research. I took my camera and went outside. I thought the best way to show the benefit of using LED and LCD is to show how many people will see the ads on LED and LCD digital displays. I went out to street around Main Street. This place has major population of the Flushing. I took some photos of the LED displays with people passing by. Then I started walk around and look for target to shoot photos. I was looking for some place has different languages as sign. It will show that flushing has different types of Asians. I found a building has both Korean and Chinese signs, and English. I stood across of the street and took few shots. Then I started to walk again, and I found a big supermarket. I took some photos and moved to other street. Subway station is one of the most important photos to include. I took few photos of subway station and some MTA buses. Flushing also has a lot of restaurant, restaurant owners can be client too, so I took more photos of restaurants and café.

5/6/14    After research, I started to work on the last spread page of the brochure. This page doesn’t need many texts, so I putted a lot of pictures. First I putted photo of Queens Crossing mall to show the population around this building. Then I started to list advertisers would benefit. My supervisor gave me some list, I also added some. The first column I putted Beer Company, fast food, casino, banks, restaurants, supermarkets. Then I putted some photos relate to these topics next to the texts. Next column I putted educational institute, hospital, entertainment company, travel agency, mobile company, beauty salon, shopping mall and café. Then I selected photos relate to these text and putted them next to the texts. This page is simple, so I finished faster than other page. At the end I show everything to my supervisor, then he told me that I should have did them all in inDesign. So I took all files to home and started to transfer them into inDesign. It wasn’t that hard but took a lot of time. I worried about to lose any files, so I made a folder for each page and copied all links to the folders.

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week 12

This week I have learned that Bread Factory really liked what I have done. However they decided to change the content and add some new content to it. Actually I am glad that they liked my design but changing existing design with new content is harder than designing from scratch. In fact the content was already a lot so I really did very precise measurement for the text. So it was very challenging. However I found a way to fit everything. It reminded me that three months ago I was admiring Marla when she finds a place to fit the new content. But today I was able to do it as well. That is very encouraging that by the time while we gain experience we are going to be able to come up new ideas, solutions and suggestions. There is no such school that teaches everything and anything. We are going to continue to learn even after we graduate. After we got our jobs. Whenever we overcome some problem it will teach something new.


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week 11

I have finished the Bread Factory’s project on Monday and Marla sent the proofs to the client. So when the client give us the final comments we are going to be ready for printing. I think we have very nice, consistent and modern looking design. I think that client will give us positive feedback.

After completing the previous project, Marla gave me a new one. This time I was asked to design easel and outside signage for another restaurant. To be honest when Marla mentioned about the project I did not know what the easel means. After I got the project’s specs I did search on google to find out more about easel.

Another thing that was the client did not want us to use any photographs for this project. So it was kind of mostly text design. So I used every typography knowledge as I could. I tried to combine thin and thick typeface, solid and outlined text, small and big size together.  Even though I was asked not to use any images I used dashed lines around the design and made them look like wheat which is a component of the client’s logo. When I finished the design Marla sent it right away to the client and I learned that they liked it very much. So this week was very productive.


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week 10

This week I continued to work on the project for Bread Factory that I have started last week. . New components were added to the project. I spent most of my time to find very large images to use in these signages. It is unfortunate that clients do not provide any good quality images of their products. So if they have very specific meals on their menu we have to find some images that have to reflect their special food and they have to look professional. Moreover, sometimes, like this project, projects are going to be produced big in size. It means that the resolution should be really high. In other words sometimes finding the right image to use in your project would be the most challenging part of the project.

At this point, I have not offer my supervisor that yet, but I think going to the client’s place and take photographs of the foods would be more convenient and professional. By doing so, we may have the correct visual for the food, we would not have resolution problems and more important we would be using our own images, not someone else’s. After I found all the images, Marla told me that I have to convert them from RGB to CMYK before using them in inDesign. So I change all images and I had to manipulate some of them in order to use in the layout. So at the end of this week I have all visuals and the content. So far we have layout design. After that it will be just placing things in their position.


Posted in Assignments.

Journal 10

It’s back to business as my supervisor has returned from his spring break trip, not that it was any different in his absence. While my supervisor was away, I was still spending him the designs I created for approval and need changes. The atmosphere over the past several days has been pretty laid back, and smooth. “Smooth sailing” would be the best term to describe it, and I quite like this at atmosphere. Over the last several days I have been creating a compilation of all the office’s designs as a portfolio, in which they can use to showcase to their future clients. Many of the designs are created by other designers for older events and seminar that were held the prior year. While compiling the presentation slides, I noticed that I was tasked with creating designs for the same events. It was nice having something to compare my designs too, as each poster presented the same information but with different visual styles. I complied several years of poster designs into a single PowerPoint presentation in which could be showcased in the waiting room of my internship office. Something for the clients to look at while they wait for hours to be seen by a law associate. I have been getting to know the other interns at the office, like the school they attend and their major. It’s nice getting to know the people, it makes my experience at the office a lot more interactive.

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Journal Entry 11

Mohammad Chowdhury

ADV 4900

Journal Entry 11


Ok, so I have officially completed my 120 hours of internship, in fact I have apparently gone over by a couple of hours, as per Tyler. Those hours certainly went by faster than I had expected. My time in MBG has been a great learning experience and I am not willing to let it come to an end simply because I have met my quota of hours for the course credit, which is why I intend on continuing to intern with the agency. I will not be going as often as I had been (I will cut it down to once a week from the usual three times) but I will use that single day as productively as I can.

For my “last day(s)” I actually created a storyboard, with direction from Marc and Mark, for a video that will be played in the office space of Bureau Realty. The storyboard was quite simple to create, but the experience of sitting with the creative as they hashed out the final details for the video was quite enjoyable. Despite the video being a compilation of various still images, there was still a strategy behind it all. After I finished the storyboard, Mark actually asked if I would be able willing to put together a comp video and since I actually enjoy film editing as well I immediately got to work with Adobe Premier. I worked up a short comp that set the tone for how the full video would play out and the best part was that Mark really liked the tone I had created. In fact, he even mentioned that he would have loved to just have me create the video for the client, instead of their usual video editor; however, I was/am taking a little break for my brother’s wedding reception. I will be going back in soon, and I can’t wait to see what work will be thrown my way next.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Entry 10

Mohammad Chowdhury

ADV 4900

Journal Entry 10


As I write this entry I’m crossing my hundredth hour. Right now I’m in a state reflection, looking back to my very first entry there was a lot of uncertainty and sense of dread but clocking in the 100th hour, my mind is at peace. As I’ve stated in most of my entries, it has been a pretty good time interning at MBG. I feel that I have managed to work on some pieces that I can include in my portfolio not to mention I now have a little bit of real world experience that I can boast in my resume.

Enough reflecting on the past, now onto the present. Today I got to work on some things for a new client, well new for me not the agency, called Bikestock. I actually had to design some t-shirts for the brand and this is definitely a whole new experience for me because I have never done any kind of t-shirt designs. For starters, I don’t wear graphic tees so trying to design them felt a little challenging to me. First I asked myself, “what kinda graphic tees would I wear?” and what designs also have a hipster vibe and I basically took it from there. Fortunately, the agency had already created some interesting graphics for the brand, which sells various kinds of bicycle tools and their point of purchase is mainly vending machines. Tyler gave me a quick break on what kind of t-shirts i had to design and then I got to work. After spending a decent amount of time on them and some feedback from Tyler I completed various iterations of my designs. The feedback was quite positive, so much so that Mark, not Marc, started discussing possibly pitching the idea of designing some t-shirts for Bureau Realty. I don’t think it will end up happening but if the agency and the client are up for it I would love to take a crack at it.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal#15 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I was able to designed and work with a completely different template from the previous ones that was used for our newsletters. Since the last two newsletters looked too similar to our very first newsletter and we are trying to move away from that. The one I started off with today has been decided to be the template that I’ll be working with from now on to design all of our newsletters. The other task that I have been given is to add the author’s name for each post as a tag and to create a hyperlink out of each author’s name that way it will lead into a page of all the written works of that author. The goal is to basically create a search of some sort for our readers so that by clicking the author’s name they will be able to read all of the other works written by that same author. So far it has taken me three days to complete this particular task since there are so many posts. I was also asked to keep track of every author’s name and have their names typed out on a word document. I also added a lot of the author’s names to some of the posts that did not have the names. Finally, I had to contact our editor for this information since she keeps track of who writes what for our website.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Yinshi Huang’s journal 8-11

3/26/14     After done with research, I started to work on the second spread page of brochure. My supervisor gave me body copies for this page. On this page I had to introduce the Queens Crossing mall, where the LED display is placed. The purpose of this page is to introduce the environment of LED display to the advertisers. This page has lot texts, so I had to find a way to put everything together. I tried to make it as simple as possible because this page has lot of information. My first draft was very simple and clean. I putted all images together to make it one large image, and then I separated body copies into two paragraphs. After my supervisor saw it, he mentioned that I missed some information. In the Queens Crossing mall, there are retail stores and restaurants. So, I should have putted their logos in this page. I went Marching Tech website and checked those store’s name and restaurants’ name, also their logos. After I got that information, I listed them in this page. I made columns for ground floor, first floor and second floor, and then putted logos based on where they are located. After I finished this page, I showed it to my supervisor and moved on to next page.

4/2/14     After I finished two spread pages of the brochure, I started to work on third spread page. This page is about demographic of Flushing. This page needs a lot of research because I had to find out real fact of demographics. I went census website to look for the percentage of female and male in Queens. I also had to find out percentage of the educational level of people. After these facts, I also needed to look for the age group of Queens. However, I couldn’t find enough information from this website such as the numbers of income. My supervisor told me to look for information about how many restaurants, how many banks, how many schools and how many medical centers are in this area too. I could get some information but not everything. Also, in this page I had to show different types of Asian. In Flushing, most of residents are Asian, thus this fact is an important fact to be included in the brochure. I searched image of Asian people from free stock photo website, but couldn’t find anything. Then I started look for photos I have, but couldn’t get anything either. The purpose of this page is to show different type of Asian. I have photos of my Korean family members and Chinese friends, but those are hard to tell the difference. After all I had to leave this part blank for now.

4/9/14     It was a fun day of working; I helped my supervisor to shoot a short commercial. This commercial was for a website called 51NYC. 51 mean I love in Chinese and this website is all about Chinese community in New York. My supervisor drew a story board first, and then showed to the client. After the client approved it we were started to organize the story board and contacted people who can be the actors for this commercial. Then we were all agreed to shoot this commercial today in the art gallery of Queens Crossing. I brought my DSL camera for shooting videos. After everyone arrived, we started to set up lights first. After finished to set up lights, I was setting up camera. My supervisor brought a tripod for camera. I adjusted tripod based on heights of actors. After we finished settings, we tried one video first to check everything works well. Then our client arrived, he was watching us in the back. After few times of practicing with actors, we started shooting. This commercial need to show what kind of benefit people will get by using 51NYC website. First part of video shows about shopping on 51NYC, people can list what they want sell also can buy what they want. Second part of video shows people also can find mates on this website. In the end, we had all actors stand together and say 51NYC in Chinese with thumbs up. The client was happy about this commercial we made.

4/23     Today I started to work on fourth spread page of the brochure. This page is about specifications of the LED, LCD digital displays. First, I drew LED and LCD on illustrator to show sizes of each screen. LED has two screens, LCD has three therefore I had to clearly explain size of its screen. On this page I also included LED and LCD ad players can play what types of files. The LCD ad player screen is divided three parts. The biggest part can play short commercials and other two small parts only plays ads in JPEG OR PDF files. Also, different part has different price, so it was important to clearly explain everything. Beside all of these specifications, I also I included some example images. After I finished this page, I showed to my supervisor. He told me that I missed some information of specification. I forgot to put what time these digital displays play ads and what days. These displays play ads every day, but not 24 hrs. Then I thought I can include list of ads that LED and LCD displays are playing now. After I finished all the works, I showed to my supervisor again. He doesn’t have lists of advertisers for now, so we had to leave this part blank and fill up later.

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Journal #9

Spring break recently passed but everyone is still in vacation mode at my internship location, which is completely fine with me. My supervisor who directly overseas my department is still on spring break in Florida, so that basically means I manage myself while he’s is away. Well, that’s not true. I still have to report directly to the president of the company in his absence. The pace at the office as slowed down a bit recently, which basically means less design work for me. I don’t really view this as a bad thing, now I have more time to catch up on my class designs. The work I do and produce at the New American Chambers of commerce isn’t very demanding, I have a lot of time to work on each designs and makes changes if needed. I often find myself completing the task required of me very quickly and causally use the rest of my time browsing the internet. I often takes small breaks in between my designs and the expressed changes needed. It helps me to pass time more effective and insure that I am not too bored with myself throughout the course of my stay. I am currently writing this journal entry as I wait for my new assignment to be explained to me. All I know about my next design is that it is a flyer/poster for a breakfast gathering hosted by a charity group. The poster seems very straight forward and should be simple to make, just information on the event.

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