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I’m Now A Web Intern!

On October 16, I took a trip to NoHo, a borough in Manhattan, for an interview at Sunshine Suites. The company is known for helping small businesses become big by starting at their headquarters. A friend of mine discussed with me that one of the companies from Sunshine Suites needed a web designer/programmer who can design and build their website. since my friend could not do this for them due to his busy schedule and work at another company, he spoke to them about me that I could be the better candidate as their web intern. I accepted the offer. My friend contacted the company about me and they invited me for an interview with them about the internship.

As I waited inside Sunshine Suites to meet the boss for the first time, I was rather excited yet nervous as I usually am when I’m about to get an interview. The interview was short and it discuss mostly on what I will be doing as their web intern for their small business company. The company is new and they needed someone who is willing to help out, design, and build their website for said company. I spoke with them about myself, my experiences as a web designer and graphic designer, and my goals once I get out of college. The boss was pleased with me and thought I would be a great candidate as their web intern. I was glad to hear that from him and well as being able to meet the boss of the company.

A day has passed and I got a call from the boss. He told me to meet up with him at their cubicle at Sunshine Suites and that I’m hired to be their web intern. I told him my thanks for accepting me as their web intern and how forward I was to working with them. It was an exciting moment for me. As an official web intern for the company, I will show them what I’m capable of and do my best to make their company’s website the best.

– Thomas M

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 7

This week we had our meeting regarding RipeTaste. We discussed several topics and I was informed of upcoming activities. I presented my client with batch of edit photographs she had not seen yet prior. She was satisfied with the outcome and told me to continue editing more for the site. I explained to her that some of the images taken needed to be reshot because a few had poor lighting and some were out of focus. She told me reshooting would not be a problem and informed of a photo shoot she’s planning on setting up next month. My boss presented me with a logo option she requested from an artist she knows. I explained to her that the rendering of the logo was great but felt the logo was more urban then she wanted her company to portray and it’s type treatment would be hard to read once its minimize. I was told that logo was still being fine tuned. My boss and I set up a casting call online for the photo shoot we have planned next month. We are looking for makeup artist, models, and photographers. My boss will forward me any applicants we can so we can interview and decided together who will make the cut.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 6

Since last week, I’ve continued retouching and editing different sets of images for the client. I’ve discussed with my boss what needs to executed in levels of importance. She explained not to waste time on editing one category only, to edit several from different groups. In reality, she just wants a few products from each section so she is able to make the website for the time being. We have set a meeting to discuss what I’ve done and so she can update me on what she has been doing for the last weeks we haven’t seen each other.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 8

On October 18, 2013. I continued working on my t-shirt design. I used the pen tool to manipulated the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion on the Illustrator, I tried to dragged the shape to fit into the red circle and make it looked like a whole, instead of separate elements.

I sent to my supervisor after I finished the revised, but he said I was not there yet. There were few things I need to make change. First, the shape of a Fukushima map needed to be smaller. Second, removed the drop shadow. Third, make the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion more round because the current one I had looked too straight, it didn’t feel like a whole. Fourth, the shape of the drips didn’t connect to the shape of the bomb.

On October 21, 2013. I came to my internship site, and I found out my supervisor was not in today. But I still had to continued working on my t-shirt design, so I chose to stay. I had to solve the problems my supervisor had pointed out.

I did some research on the shape of drips, I found out by adding drops to the drips really help to make the design looked like a whole. I sent to my supervisor after I finished the revised, now I was waiting for his feedback.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 7

On October 11, 2013. I had showed my design to my supervisor. He had approved it, but he said it looked too cartoony. I had to make my design looked more realistic, instead of cartoony. I saved my design as a PDF first, and then I dragged my PDF file to the Photoshop. Photoshop gives better quality and effect on the drop shadow, brush strokes, layer filter, and other effects.

On October 14, 2013.  I signed in from home again because my supervisor was absent. I continued working on the shape of a nuclear bomb explosion, and played with the effect on Photoshop. However, it didn’t worked out. I sent to my supervisor, and he said it looked too busy, and he asked me to simplify it.

I kept all my graphic elements: red circle, shape of a nuclear bomb explosion, shape of Fukushima’s map, and shape of drips to show the leaking. I had to re-draw and re-arranged all the graphic elements, and placed them in different directions, and tried to find an interesting layout.

I found out the shape of the original nuclear bomb explosion didn’t match with the new drips I just created. I re-draw the shape of a nuclear bomb explosion to match my new drips design. I added shadow and effect to both shapes, so it looked more in depth and didn’t look cartoony.


I created more than ten designs with different styles of a nuclear bomb explosion with different direction of leaking and sent to my supervisor. My supervisor had picked the best one out of the ten designs. He told me to tweak on the shape of a nuclear bomb explosion because the top of the nuclear bomb shape looked too big. The shape of a nuclear bomb explosion must fit into the red circle along with the other graphic elements.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Delmar’s J6

Deaer Illustra Chronicles,

Sixth entry – I have four days of work and fun, my new assignment is to study art and the artists at comic con. What better way to become well immersed in the art than to discover it at Comic Con a worldwide convention. I did just that I walked up and down the north concourse of the Jacob Javits center looking at art styles of the exhibitors some I favored more than others a few I wondered who would like them, but art is art. I had a chance to meet Joe Madureira an illustrator and game developer, he worked on Xmen and a game called Darksider, al of his drawings are very cartoony, and oblong shapes with bulges.


Another artist I spoke to was Alvin Lee, he works with Capcom and various other comics and projects. He also draws cartoony with fine edges he draws almost exact proportions and use foreshortening. Alvin Lee’s drawings usually have a mosaic curve or bursting finishes.  I continued searching fro who and what style interested me the most. So I collected as much business cards, just to see what artist do for their cards. I ended up getting a few artist numbers personally and will be going to meet up with Keron an artist located in Brooklyn.

My new goal is to find the Italian Artist from the DC who worked on Red Lantern great artist but expensive when selling his art but I would not mind being mentored by him. overall comic con’s Art Alley the the location of all the artist was a earning experience and inspirational.

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Delmar’s J5

Dear Illustra Cronicles,

Fifth entry – I worked on most of my illustrations with Gideon my supervisor, we cut it short because he wanted me to go out to draw so I was working on portfolio pieces and senior project outside. I went to prospect and drew a row of trees that vanished in to the back, and then illustrated the scene to look like a fantasy genre. My next step is to scan and digitally enhance the image with tones shades and colors. Lately Gideon has been letting me work on most of my senior project and checking over it when I ask for a critique. I have to do about two hundred sketches plus background and storyboards.

I have been able to conceptualize a few Animations that I created, working on character design, and story. While using the Wacom to color my sketches I need to get comfortable with the loose feel of the pen, also using tonality on the computer. Gideon asked me to do research on artists and art styles, because I told him I am working at comic con so for my next assignment from Gideon go to comic con and discover art styles.

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Delmar’s J4

Dear Illustra Chronicles,

Fourth entry – I have another scene from the King’s New Wardrobe, this scene is extra detailed I have my work cut out for me it will be simple coloring and detailing the characters in it but the background, and the items in the foreground will have to be fine and clean, like any rendering job. The zoom tool and undo will be my friend for this job. This project took me four days to complete.
Getting myself immersed in digital illustration is making me eager to start most of my Art projects on the computer. I am getting better at coloring with the Wacom tablet and drawing basic shapes.
Using the Cintiq is a learning experience drawing and coloring right on the screen to me I see it’s not really easier, like any other equipment it depends who is using it. Gideon my supervisor was showing me different brushes on the Cintiq, I used it to do a piece for my portfolio and I will be hoping to borrow the old 22HD Cintiq and take it home.

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Delmar’s J3

Dear Illustra Chonicles ,

Third entry – Today before we started working on the Children’s book we went over some art books, because we were looking at my big scale drawings how to draw animals. How the horse anatomy is also the human figure. I showed him my sketches book. I learned that I have to develop a smooth style, and just draw different perspectives. Gideon gave me an assignment to help me get better do more foreshorten drawings on the train, capturing the eyes view from bug to birds eye. So I worked on my twenty by twenty size illustration for an hour.

The remainder of the hours I worked on a children’s book with Gideon called the king and his wardrobe. I helped render three pieces and there is a fourth one, I will be working on next week, he just has to finish drawing most of it. All the pieces are digital. He sent me an overview of how the process and the illustration of the look and feel of the book are created. The client sends a description of each page a scene that will take place. Also descriptions of the characters, In order to come up with the look and style we looked at 17th and 18th century clothing.

I started working on some palettes for the clothing and testing out the skin tones printed, and testing the contrast of colors. I spent my day going back and forth between pieces making sure they had organized groups and proper layers. The project was a learning experience he taught me how to use a Cintiq and I showed him a quick way for me to fill in the colors for each character, which is what he needs me for fast, efficient, and versatile with the work.

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Delmar’s Journal 2

Dear Illustra Chonicles ,

Second entry – Today was a learning experience as well as funny, today I was doing some editing with some archiving work. I was basically a librarian and a sweeper, I had a chance to meet Gideon’s wife who is also an artist but she does more fine arts: Sculptures, Paintings, abstract work, and illustrations, and mix media. Today all three of us had tons of work mainly me because the both needed me to help them. Little did I know I would have witnessed a couple panic attack.
I helped Gideon rummage through his old art work and projects he done for various clients especially his kids next door work he was the background creator on the project. I had to scan twenty plus great pieces of creativity with landscapes and creatures, weird oblong shaped illustrations with color and liveliness to their character. He told me the process of how they choose the illustrations with a Japanese stamp the mark of approval, running through each piece like wind stamping them. There were large pieces 14 by 20 etc. I had to scan and put those pieces together and retouch clean the lines and colors.
Next was helping Gideon’s wife she needed help moving her big clay pieces and mix media canvases. She had a lot of supplies for up incoming projects and past projects. We were throwing old things away, and storing weird shaped statues she told me how they make the statues you would see on important corners of the world, and we may make a statue which I’m looking forward to. While she was attempting to move a giant wooden board she dropped it and the area was heavily dusty some granules got in her eye, she freaked and fell to the floor off a mini ladder. I had 911 on standby, she was wailing, luckily we were there to help she was in red alert.
In the end I we got the work done and archived Art from both Gideon and his wife. I learned of an easy way to edit large images together and color techniques and brush styles also was taught the process of statue creations and clay modeling.

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