Take Home Midterm Exam

The exam has two parts. You must complete both parts of the exam. Please write your answers in a word-processing program and email them as an MS Word or .rtf doc to Prof. Gold at mgold@citytech.cuny.edu with “ENG 1101 Midterm Exam (Your Name)” in the subject line. Your answers should follow MLA format and should use 12pt Times New Roman type.

You should spend no more than two hours on this exam. Exams are due by 5pm today (Thursday, Nov. 8) unless you made alternative arrangements with me after class on Tuesday.


Read Aaron Betsky’s article, “American Dream,” published in Architect on September 13, 2010. Summarize Betsky’s article using the format we’ve practiced in class.

Your summary must state the thesis of the article in your own words. It should also indicate three or four supporting ideas or stages of thought the author goes through to develop his thesis. You may quote sparingly to convey the flavor of the author’s style and thought, but be sure that your summary (aside from direct quotations) is expressed in your own words. Your summary should consist of one well-developed paragraph.

Write a well-developed essay of about 7-10 paragraphs in response to Betsky’s article that compares and contrasts your own experiences, beliefs, and opinions about the role of an academic campus in the learning experiences of students. To what extent do the physical environs of a college shape the kind of learning that goes on within it? How does your own experience of a college campus at an urban public commuter institution compare with those Betsky describes? How have the school campuses in which you’ve learned shaped your own learning experiences?

You can write this essay based on your own experiences or based on the experiences of someone you know or someone you have heard about. You can discuss City Tech or any other institutions at which you’ve learned.

Make sure that in your response, you draw explicit connections between your own experiences and the historical parallels described by Betsky, using quotation marks when quoting directly from his piece.

If the link to Betsky’s article is not working, you can download a PDF copy of it here.

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Class Notes – 11/6

Gehry’s Bilbao Museum


Think about:

Materials, texture, color, light, relationships with surrounding buildings/environment, pattern

WORDLE: http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/5970724/Thoughts_on_Gehry%27s_Bilbao

iridescent, smooth, curvy, sharp, spiky, wavy, metallic, layers, reflective

eccentric, loud, shiny, shapely, intricate, bright, open, different, inspirational, fun

curves, smooth, complex, twisted, reflect, silver, stripe, tall, confusing

shiny, sharp, bright, curvy, iridescent, smooth, texture, color metallic,

shiny, smooth, compact, complicated, large, round, white, curvy, abstract, metallic

steel, patterns, lights, shapes, blocks, smooth, bricks, metallic, white, environment, glass, marble, curvy, twisted

mechanical, sharp, curves, irregularly shaped, open space, polluted, bow-shaped, shiny, smooth,different

curves, asymmetrical, smooth, futuristic, metal, shiny, boat, scrapyards, reflection

curved, skinny, movement, sharp, creative, iridescent, bold, creative

aesthetic movement, overlapping, chaos, shaping, harmonious, eccentric, illuminates, futuristic, celestial

smooth, iridescent, spiky, complex, silver, crowded, colorful, silver, glass

iridescent, convoluted, hard, spike, heavy, slim, curvy, technology, authentic, roller coaster

huge, hard, strong, irregular, smooth, energetic, curvy, bright, twisted

futuristic palace, strong, soft, special treasure, proportional, inspirational, shiny, comfortable, powerful, curved

shiny, iridescent, unique, random, smooth, futuristic, complex, convoluted, abstract

iridescent, wide, shiny, reflective, curved, smooth

water, curtains, flow, beaten metal, padded, billowing, waves, voluptuous, silver, glass, extravagance


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Current Assignments

Thursday, 11/8

Take home midterm — posted on this site on Thursday. Please submit your exam by email to mgold@citytech.cuny.edu by 5pm Thursday.

Tuesday, 11/13

Reading: Writing About Architecture: Chapter 3, pp. 71-92 (Michael Sorkin, “Save the Whitney” and “What’s Worth Preserving”

Blog post: Write a blog post in response to Chapter 3. What is your perspective on the central question of what is worth preserving?

Thursday, 11/15

Reading: TBA

Writing: Rewrites of Essay 1 (optional) due

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ADJECTIVE (classwork)


It’s a pleasure to look at a beautiful tall building that stands in Forest Hills, Queens which is not very far from my house. It is a white apartment building with glass doors. The first time I entered that building, I said “wao!” It is an amazing and gorgeous bilding with smooth texture and neat brown furniture. The lobby is wide and nicely decorated.

You never know if the building is as beautiful as it looks from outside. As I walked towards the building I expected a crowded and a little chaotic too. As I entered I felt a very peaceful environment. It was quiet, really impressive. The smooth stainless pinkish walls with dim light made me feel relaxed and calm. It is a warm, welcoming and stressfree place.

The building reminds me of childhood. When I was a kid and lived in India, I lived in a very similar place. I also drew it because it is just gorgeous and pleasant to eyes. My friend lives in this apartment and we were friemds since childhood. So, everytime I go see my friend it feels like home. It’s an amazing feeling and I love to spend time there.


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The Ruppert Yorkville Towers is a fancy residential building. As one walks towards it, they feel relaxed and comfortable. Everyone is always smiling and kind. When they get to the entrance thee automatic doors open and it can make you feel like you are at a hotel. As you look to your left and right you can see the comfortable waiting areas. As you go straight your path is blocked by the concierges desk and 4 columns that are covered with mirrors and marble borders that compliment the marble floors and walls. The entrances to the two buildings are parallel to each other with a glass door as well as glass walls.

If that was not enough to make you feel comfortable, there are doormen that greet you as they open the door for you. I would know because that’s my job. You get a real sense of how fancy the the buildings are when you see the four elevators each buildings has. (2 for the high-rise and 2 for the low rise) Then when you are done visiting the doorman opens the door for you and says good-bye to you, so does the concierge, making you feel special.

This relates  to my life because i experience this every weekend when i go to work there. Since i have been working there for three months most residents know me and bring me lunch every once in a while, making me feel special. On my way home it is nothing like that.    I have no one to open my door or greet me. Not even a waiting area. So it is nice when i get to go to work because it is like i am in a very peaceful place.

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A Slimy point of view

   An apartment building deep in brooklyn where no one wants to go. A very dark and recessed area where upon approach fear takes over. A mix of iron bars and tall towers with jail like bars on the windows. Rusty fire escapes and the smell of the city deeply mix with the air. Loud obnoxcious people in front waiting and watching for their next target.

   Inside this building, a place of uncertainty overwhelms the mind. Low hanging ceilings and peeling paint paralyzes the senses as a dark dingy light flickers over head, casting eerie shadows on the

This building located in brooklyn resembles the building that I used to live in although it is not exactly the same.

floor. Fear and anxiotey take control as each new fear suffocates and disables a persons sense of reasoning.

   This building relates to a very large portion of my life. Living in this building has given me the descriptive powers to be able documnet this building. These experiences from the point of view of a small child has changed my outlook on life and made me into a positive and unique person.

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Smooth in more than one way

The bank of America towers in Bryan Park is one of the tallest buildings in New York City. When looking at the building on of the first things people see is how smooth the façade is. The bottom of the building is a normal shape that is parallel to the street. As the building rises the new angles are introduced giving the tower a new shape.

                When someone is round the building there is many different emotions at play. The building is used as a formal place of work, a place where businessmen and women work. The building is located right in the heart of Bryan Park. Bryan Park is not normal thought of a formal business place. In the summer that park holds concerts and other events. Also just one black away is time square, one of New York’s busiest areas.  Bank of America tower had a big setting change from inside to out, but the building does it smoothly. The lobby had glass wall the over look the park giving a feeling as if you are still in the park.

                The bank of America building can be related to my life because it is one of the greenest buildings in New York City. When it was completed it was one of the eco friendly buildings in the city. I may self there to be very eco friendly. I try to uses as little resource as I can, and the building does the same. The building recycles rain water and even cleans the air that comes in to the building.

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The Statue of Liberty- Raveena Bahadur

The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island, on the New York bay. Approaching the statue, one must travel on a ferry from New York to Liberty Island. Lady Liberty is surrounded by water; so as you are on the ferry, you are able to see all the building and skyscrapers standing tall in Manhattan. Seen from afar, the statue gives off an iridescent  causing many to go and visit the site.

                Lady Liberty is a very popular tourist attraction. There are different emotions all around. Many are excited, while some are more interested in the history of the structure. Standing in the middle of the New York Bay, the Statue of Liberty stands where the sun shines on it perfectly. Going into the structure, is a different emotion for everyone. The majority of people are excited to go in and view the whole of Manhattan. Others would go maybe for a class trip and not care.

In 2010, I visited the Statue of Liberty with my cousins and sister. Of course we were excited; we’ve never been there before. Experiencing the ferry ride was something I can never forget; especially when you’re standing on the deck, and middle-of-the-winter, freezing cold wind is slapping you in your face.at all.



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Formal Description: One World Trade Center

One World Trade Center, or commonly known as the Freedom Tower, is a one hundred and four story skyscraper currently being constructed in lower Manhattan. It is located between Vesey and Fulton Streets, and West and Washington Streets. When this building is completed in 2013, it will be the third tallest building in the world, and the tallest in the Western Hemisphere. Its smooth exterior is very pleasing to the eye because each side is a triangular shape either pointing towards the ground or to the sky, creating a unique shape the falls into place perfectly. The roof top and the ground floor are both square shapes but are offset, making the buildings unique shape possible. The building’s windows are constructed with special glass that allows as much daylight in as possible, lowering energy cost. Since the majority of the building’s exterior is glass, it gleams beautifully in the sunlight.

The One World Trade Center building is very symbolic for New Yorkers and also Americans because it is being built in memoriam of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which destroyed the original World Trade Center towers. Any person who enters the World Trade Center complex can feel the pride that was put into the beautiful design of all the buildings, as we recovery and rebuild from the attacks of September 11th.

This skyscraper being enormous in stature, reaching a staggering height of 1,776 feet at the top of its attenna, symbolizes the Declaration of Independence written in 1776. This isn’t the only symbolic idea put into the design of this skyscraper. The whole building is a symbol of freedom, hence the Freedom Tower.


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Burj Khalifa -Austin Felix

The Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai of the United Arab Emirates. This building was completed a small amount of years ago as the world’s tallest building. The majority of this structures material is steel and glass which give it a smooth texture.  The buildings geometric shape of curves gives it a smooth flow that wraps around the building. The Burj Khalifa’s main construction materials release a visual interpretation to viewers that the building is smooth.

Taking the place as the world’s tallest building this tower may influence many emotions into viewers as they approach it or enter.  When viewing this tower I receive a feeling of dominance. Known as the tallest tower the Burj Khalifa’s popularity and small amount of competition gives it that power. Over looking all other structures that feeling of being on top is exposed eventually leading to dominance.

Height is a pretty large factor in today’s society and growing up throughout elementary school and above I’ve found myself being among the tallest in classes.  Similar to the Burj Khalifa’s situation compared with other buildings around the world I was compared with other students. Being taller or the tallest gave me a proud and dominant feeling.  This structure and I in comparison, take in the pride of being the tall and having that dominant position or role in society.         

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