Monthly Archives: September 2023

In class work Sept. 28th

After today’s class discussion and reviewing my notes, I had to rethink the 3 technologies that I chose for my research paper. They didn’t relate to each other well. My third technology is now the e-reader.   I can see how … Continue reading

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In Class Ideas 09/28

While looking back at my notes on my thoughts and questions after I read the first few pages of McLuhan I saw several things I can add to my paper. One idea I will present in my introduction is the … Continue reading

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In class work 9/28

Three ideas I have are to definitely include the Four Laws of Media. I think that has a big role in my project, we are constantly talking about in class so it would make sense to include it. Also maybe … Continue reading

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In Class Work – 9/28

One idea I would like to use from McLuhan is the idea of medium being the message. With the way we use technologies in our everyday lives, I want to explore what these pieces of technology were an extension of … Continue reading

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Destiny Wallace In Class Work September 28th

My focus for my TEP is (hand written letters, telephone calls, verbal face to face. The transition to Instant messaging, emails, forums/blog post, etc…) A few examples I plan on using from McLuhan are “The medium is the message”, The … Continue reading

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In Class Work 9/28

McLuhan’s ideas of amplification/amputation, hot and cold media, and the medium is the message can all be incorporated into my paper. Firstly, visual effects and multitrack recorder amplify and amputate the user. For instance, the invention of motion control cameras … Continue reading

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In class work for 9/28/23

These ideas from McLuhan From Beginners will help for my technology essay. Despite help tech evolve, why would he be against if he was still alive today? How did McLuhan still have such an influence even years after his passing? … Continue reading

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classwork 9/28/2023

One way of incorporating McLuhan into our writing is explaining his idea of cool and hot media and explain how my selected technologies operate. Another idea would be amputation into amplification. The technologies chosen should show how technology transitions from … Continue reading

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In class work September 28th

 Printers, Bluetooth technology, and Electric scooters, all in some way follow the 4 laws of media. Each of them are advanced enough that they in some way have made older forms of technology obsolete, but also had some form of … Continue reading

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Blog Post #4

McLuhan Image I would like to research some of the more mundane technology which has impacted our lives, such as the lightbulb, indoor plumbing, and pens. I would like to see the difference from the eras before and how these … Continue reading

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Destiny Wallace Blog Post 4

Link to drawn image The items I will focus on for my TEP project are ways of communication (hand written letters, telephone calls, verbal face to face. The transition to Instant messaging, emails, forums/blog post, etc…)

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Blog post 4

CamScanner luhan 09-28-2023 11.45 (pg 104) What I was trying to get at with the artwork was the concept of McLuhan’s global village. The idea of the global village is with technologies like computers, television, and other advanced telecommunication devices, … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

Part 1 Paywalls: This technology limits access to content, those who can afford it are given access while others are not. Many credible news sites such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal require users to pay for … Continue reading

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Blog post 4

McLuhan inspired “art” cave__scodrington.docx Part 2  The 3 technologies I chose are the telephone, the digital camera, and the omny card.   The telephone changed the concept of space between people. Its intended use was for business, but it was used … Continue reading

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Post 4

I would like to explore technology  from a primitive standpoint or an earlier prospective. Such as horses at one point being our main mode of transportation to automobiles to now self driving cars. Before the microwave, how was food re-heated. … Continue reading

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Blog post 4

Link to McLuhan art Some of the technology I would like to do more research on would be the first iPhone which was released in 2007 (iPhone 2G), the first gaming console, the Magnavox Odyssey which was released in 1972, … Continue reading

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Blog Post #4

McLuhan Drawing #2 The technology I would like to work on for this project is Bluetooth, laptops (or computers), printers, video game systems, cars, and/or scooters. I decided to go with a wide variety now and try to narrow them … Continue reading

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Blog #4

I would love to explore/ show interest in Apple, Robots, and Bluetooth. I choose these because I always am wondering about our future and what life will be like. For example the Apple vision pro is coming out, how is … Continue reading

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Blog #4

When it came to jotting down my ideas about what technologies and media I wanted to research it was hard to decide on three technologies due to how intrigued I am with a few of them. The three that I … Continue reading

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Blog post 4

Mcluhan drawing part 2   I would like to research the iPhone, windows laptop and PC, the television and gaming systems.The reason i want to do my projects on these is because I currently own all of these and want … Continue reading

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Post 3

language and Technology Narrative part 2 – Copy – Copy – Copy

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blog post 3/ tech lit narrative

tech_lit narrative CamScanner 09-21-2023 14.14 The idea that I was getting at with the drawing is McLuhan’s ideas of hot and cool media. While watching TV McLuhan talks about the strange paradox of how the viewers high involvement with images … Continue reading

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Blog Post #3

Tech Lit Narrative McLuhan Drawing

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Blog Post 3

Drawing Tech Lit Narrative

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Blog Post 3

blog post 3__scodrington tech lit narrative__sybilcodrington

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Tech lit


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blog post 3

Link for the image Link for the essay  

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Blog Post #3

McLuhan Drawing My Story with Language and Technology

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Blog 3

Blog 3 (1)

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Attached is both my Image and Tech-lit Essay  

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blog post 3

ENG 1710 final narrative 1 McLuhan drawing

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Blog post 3

blog post #3

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Tech-lit Draft 1

tech lit draft

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Language and Technology Narrative

language and Technology Narrative – Copy – Copy

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Blog Post 2 Draft 1 Literary Technical Narrative

Attached is my incomplete draft, In regards to the McLuhan reading, the formatting was a bit to comb through so I do have questions about that overall. Also, just a bit more clarification on him in general.

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Blog Post #2

Part 1: It seems McLuhan was an eccentric man. I remember hearing that most smart people are eccentric, so it makes sense. I am curious on his thought process and how he seems to be able to see ahead of … Continue reading

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Blog post 2

Part 1: 1. Did McLuhan not have a clear, thesis, viewpoint, or linear structure in his writing because it would defeat the point that he is trying to make? (what he is saying does not matter because the medium is … Continue reading

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Blog post 2

This photo was on page 28. This article was interesting and has a lot of great points throughout the storyline. The main point was him saying the medium is the message. McLuhan redefines the “message” of a medium at any … Continue reading

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BP2 and Draft 1 Tech-Lit Narrative

1. Why haven’t heard anyone refer to him before? 2. I appreciate McLuhan multidimensional approach of looking at things from several view points. 3. his point about stepping back from the newspaper and seeing it as an a environment is … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2

If McLuhan is so widely praised, why is he so underrated? How did the Wired Articles misinterpret McLuhan’s teachings? What did McLuhan mean by “The medium is the message?” What was the cause for McLuhan’s way of thinking? What was … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2

Part 1:  Each image is unique but hard to interpret its meaning. 2.  How did people misinterpret McLuhan’s teachings? 3. Why did they feel like there was nothing to gain from McLuhan’s reading? 4. Does the image on page 19 … Continue reading

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Blog post 2

tech lit draft__sybilcodrington Part 1  Who did these graphics?  Why did Newt Gingrich discount McLuhan and who is McGovernik? (pg. 10)  What does McLuhan mean by “retribalized man”? (pg. 33)  Who were his critics? (pg. 35)  I may have to … Continue reading

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Blog Post Two/ tech lit narrative

ENG 1710 tech lit narrative McLuhan had an interesting approach to answering questions. He never had a fixed answer to questions and preferred to observe things in a multidimensional way. Things aren’t simple and there almost isn’t always a single … Continue reading

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The Postman gives his perspective on technology through 5 thoughtful points. The first point being there’s advantages and disadvantages to technology. The second point is this advantages and disadvantages are never distributed equally. The Postman goes on to state the … Continue reading

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Blog 2: Tech-Lit Draft

Tech-Lit Draft #1 McLuhan’s reading presented various factors that aligned w ith his past and beliefs. It gave a clear representation of the meaning behind a medium and a message. As I read these few pages I got an inside … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2 and Draft 1 Tech-Lit Narrative.

ENG 1710 narrative 1 1. How did McLuhan still have such an influence even years after his passing? 2. Why did people dislike McLuhan so much? 3. Despite help tech evolve, why would be againist if he was still alive … Continue reading

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Blog post 1

Neil Postman speaks about how technological changes of one era do not make the previous ones irrelevant in “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change.” Postman’s first idea is that all technological changes have advantages and disadvantages. There … Continue reading

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Blog Post #1

“Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change” by Neil Postman cautions the reader that the advance of technology can be dangerous and has been proven to be detrimental in some cases. Neil Postman states there are five ideas to keep … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

In “Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change,” Niel Postman discusses his five ideas that expand on the changes technology and technical advances will bring about. Rather than explaining the advantages, Postman refers to the results and gives warnings that … Continue reading

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blog post one “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change”

In Postmans “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” he discusses technology and technological progress as a whole. Within his analysis he discusses five points about technology and how it affects humans and society. The first point postman … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

One of the five major points of Postman’s article is that we always have to pay a price for technology for example when the iPhone first came out it was $499 now the newest model which is the iPhone 14 … Continue reading

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“Five things we need to know about technological change”

“Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change” By Niel Postman reads like a philosophical duality article on five main changes technology and technical advances will bring about. Postman first argues that tech is an immense trade-off for a cultural society. … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

Neil Postman’s “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” talks about the results of technological advancements throughout the year. Postman mentions five key points which are always paying a price in exchange for technology, the accessibility, bias, and … Continue reading

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“Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” Kaila Santiago

The “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” by Neil Postman urges us to be critical of technological advancement and consider who and what these technologies serve and the greater effects they have on culture and society. Firstly, … Continue reading

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Blog 1: Five Ideas by: Niel Postman

             The reading “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” goes in-depth with five ideas and examples that Niel Postman felt we needed to know when it comes to technological change throughout time. … Continue reading

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blog 1 neil postman

The first idea was that technological changes was that it was a trade off, meaning imbalance can occur while its happening. Postman is stating that they are pros and cons in technology. One examples was automobile, the pros is that … Continue reading

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