Blog post 4

CamScanner luhan 09-28-2023 11.45

(pg 104)

What I was trying to get at with the artwork was the concept of McLuhan’s global village. The idea of the global village is with technologies like computers, television, and other advanced telecommunication devices, coupled with the retribalization effects of electronic media led to him arguing the position of a “global village.” McLuhan believed that technology could act as a unitier of people under a single culture. However, many critics of McLuhan think otherwise. They believe that the idea of the global village that McLuhan proposed is “off mark.” Instead of uniting it divides people into smaller worlds in the form of information echo chambers. This is an idea I personally believe to be the case in the modern world. 


(part 2)

Technology list

-Printing press

The printing press allowed for written works to be produced very quickly. It allowed for people to become literate on mass, it changed the way people thought and acted due to the democratization of knowledge and allowed for individualism as an ideology to exist.


it became dominant in homes of people during the 20th century. Created a shared experience amongst people who watched television and influenced people via the programs they watched on the television.

-social media

like the television it became prevalent in peoples lives in the 21st century. People were given tools to have a lot of self expression and hyper individualism.

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One Response to Blog post 4

  1. Great breakdown of the artwork. The Global Village concept also caught my attention in the readings. I agree with your point of view. In modern times technology does not have us operating the same. So, in my opinion McLuhan premise does not hold true.

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