Monthly Archives: December 2015

Final Reflective Paper

ENG1710_Course Reflection

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Reflective Paper


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Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper

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1710 FINAL PROJECT Rownak C  

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Reflective Paper

Reflective Paper

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Final Paper- A letter to the Professor

The final paper, in form of a letter to Professor Leston, 1710_Final Course Reflection_spezzolanti

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Final Reflective Paper

Final Reflective Paper

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Reflective Paper

reflective paper

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Final Reflective Paper

Final Reflective Paper

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The GMO Project

The GMO Project_ENG 1710_Fall2015 For more information on our project visit our site here.

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Creative Detournement Final Product

        Nike “slave” labor The picture compares the working conditions to that of the Jewish prisoners in work camps during WWII. I felt this was an important topic because these people tend to be forgotten often. People … Continue reading

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Response 14

Stephen Duncombe’s 3rd chapter of Dream: Reimagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy discusses why we play violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (GTA). According to Duncombe, although GTA allows us to kill and steal … Continue reading

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Response 14-The quenching of innate desires as Duncombe explains

Duncombe’s Dream: Reimagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy is a book which I am enjoying reading far more than any of the other readings for our class. The chapters that we have read so far are about identifying … Continue reading

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Response 14

I think the most interesting part of the 3rd chapter in Duncombes book is when he speaks about the relation that GTA has to middle aged white men such as himself. He’s taken out of his normal world of being … Continue reading

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Response 14

Duncombe helps to create a terrific visualization of a world in which many of us look to escape to. Often times our internal desires for sex or death are what triggers us to conform to playing such video games like … Continue reading

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Response 14

Duncombe has definitely written a provocative article about the game, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.  He analyzes Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as  rebellious, participatory, open-ended, and fun.  He essentially gives the pros and cons of the game in a  fashion that engages his readers … Continue reading

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Response #14

Duncombe’s point about Grand Theft Auto and our inner deviant is a relatively valid one. The game is one we could learn from, not so much for its actions or “missions” but because it allows you to reprise a roll … Continue reading

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Response 14

In Chapter 3 of Stephen Duncombe’s book, he discusses how the game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) can help us realize ways to change our ways of thinking and world. Games like GTA are open world experiences that allow us to … Continue reading

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Response 13: Final Tactical Media Project Ideas from Duncombe

“..But really at this point, what do we have to lose?” That is how Duncombe finishes the first chapter of his book, Dream: Reimagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy. It very much correlates with what we are aiming to … Continue reading

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Creative Detournament

The detournament image of  Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian boy whose photo has echoed around the world atop the pedestal of lady liberty. Aylan was among refugees on a boat to Greece when the boat capsized killing 12 passengers. Aylan’s … Continue reading

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Response 13

Stephen Duncombe in “Politics in an Age of Fantasy”  talks about how society doesn’t listen to the truth unless it is a spectacle shown in center stage. Sometimes fantasy is used alongside spectacle to create a narrative, a better story made … Continue reading

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Response 13

Throughout the first chapter of this book I saw a certain point being made which was that in today’s society, fantasy has almost overtaken the rational and reality. A paragraph on page 13 really brought this point home for me. … Continue reading

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Response 13

Given from what I have read from Duncombe`s “Dream,” an idea that I have for how we should approach the Collaborative Tactical Media Project is that we should somehow create a Manufacturers dissent which helps to create something that is … Continue reading

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Response #13

Answer this question: Given what you’ve read from Duncombe, what specific suggestion do you have that will help us work on our final tactical media projects? Explain your answer and idea with as much clarity as possible. While I wasn’t … Continue reading

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Response 13

“Weaned on endless advertisements, sitcoms, and Hollywood movies, we’ve learned to find comfort in compelling narratives and change the channel when confronted with messy facts” (Duncombe 7). This particular sentence illustrated to me that society is afraid of the hard, … Continue reading

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Response 13

One idea that I have in regard to the project after reading Duncombe’s piece, is that we should try and stay away from concepts and images that feels or looks the same as mainstream ‘resistance’. People encounter ‘resistance’ everyday, having the … Continue reading

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Response 13

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Response 13

Based on the reading from Stephen Duncombe, for our tactical media project, we should focus on a specific group or person that relates to the issue we choose. As Duncombe pointed out, people react more to a simple narrative as opposed … Continue reading

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Pictures of possible topics for the Collaborative Tactical Media Project

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Creative Detournement Project

Fast Food This detournement shows the amount of sugar in each fast food beverage. It was created in hopes that it would cause individuals to rethink what they consume if they do drink beverages such as the ones shown. The … Continue reading

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