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Unit 3 Project

The research I did in Unit 2 was about police reform and ways we can go about it I wanted to choose police reform because I think it is a problem that needs addressing and I believe that it causes some problems in America, and I think people of all ages can understand the need of police reform specifically people in their late teen’s early twenties and the genre that I think that will best suit the audience is nonfiction.


Artist statement

The reason I chose police reform is because I believe it is saying that we the people can change and it is something I believe in, I believe in it because  when you see on Tv the system not working the way it should and government officials who made those laws not do anything to the people that they gave power to you get a bit frustrated and a bit sad about it, even though the solution to police reform may not be easy I believe it can be done now I am not saying get rid of all the cops but their needs to be some accountability done to make sure the people are protected because we are not protected as much as we should be and that is frustrating.

The reason I chose the genre I did is because it is happening in our daily lives more then we think we do not hear a lot of the misuse of power that is not recorded the only reason why people are just now waking up is because it is now being recorded it was not recorded before like the way it is now people all have camera’s and can record everything on their phones. The reason chose late teens to early twenties for the audience is because, I believe they can cause the most change if I were to choose people younger they wouldn’t understand or care if I chose older they would something to the effects of it’s always been like that you can’t change it I’ve seen a video like that on the internet where some girl is crying to her parents and the parents are saying “you can’t change anything it’s always been like that what are you going to do” and I think’s it’s that mindset that kept us stagnate and it the same place the last few years many people think just because we had a black president many things would change well newsflash many things stayed the same both political parties are not doing anything the democrats still take the minorities they have for granted and promise them all these things and never fulfill on them and the republicans don’t do anything either they always say support us but when you support them they have no plan either. the reason I chose to talk about this aspect is because I believe it is not talked about enough how the youth really are the future if we have misguided youth, we have no future really. The purpose of this piece is to inform people of the power they have and way we can all go about police reform.

If I change anything in my research, I will add more examples like for examples the way people went about change in the past and compare that to police reform like how Rosa parks sat down on the bus and how MLK marched and things like that to compare it to today and the protest today about how people want to “defund” the police and people want to change things.


Project Unit 3

Briana Dobra

ENG 1101 

Unit 3 

Genre Determination


In my previous post, unit two, I had discussed quarantine and the acute mental debilitation it had on people during the COVID-19 pandemic. I did extensive research regarding the topic of mental health during isolation periods, and came to the horrifying conclusion that a large percentage of people will come out the other side of quarantine with mental illness. The group most at risk for severe psychological issues, are those with already pre-existing poor mental health. I watched an hour long video, read multiple medical documents/articles, as well as people’s personal narratives regarding the topic of their mental health worsening. There were increased rates of suicide, higher chances of people in isolation having PTSD, acute anxiety, and severe depression. The audience that needs to know most about this research would be those suffering from mental illness. Those suffering from mental illness are more at risk than ever due to stringent precautions, and mandated lockdowns. I think the best genre to reach this audience would be the medical video. Through this research, I have also found that people may be more irritable, have shorter attention spans, and be more forgetful, so being able to watch this medical video with subtitles that one can pause, and rewind if need be, would be the best option. The audience can sit and absorb the information in bits and pieces instead of reading a medical journal/article through and through. I believe knowing who your audience is, and how you can connect with them most, is very important. Artist Statement 

Understandably, COVID-19 is something that is weighing heavy on everyone’s minds. One may know the signs and symptoms of the coronavirus, but what many do not know are the overwhelming mental issues quarantine may cause, and what they look like. The numbers in mental health cases, as well as suicide have increased exponentially since the start of the mandated lockdown. I became interested in this topic because I have first handedly seen the effects of what isolation can do to not only myself, but family members as well. What seems like just yesterday, I had lost my very close cousin to suicide. He was only the tender age of fourteen when he passed, just a week before his birthday. This had a negative psychological domino effect on our entire family. I chose the people that suffer from mental illness as my audience because I want to warn them of the signs, and urge them to get the help they need, something I never got to do with my loved one. I wish I could’ve. I can understand how overwhelming everything is, especially at a time like this, where I can’t keep my focus and have trouble finding the determination to read/finish my work. I believe a video is the best option to engage my audience. One can pause, take notes, and absorb things at their own pace without feeling the pressure to read everything in one sitting. It’s something I believe to be lighter for anyone dealing with psychological turmoil. I also tried to use lighter language that would not be triggering for anyone in my audience. I would have liked to go more in depth about what the video had to offer, and how it can help those in need. Ultimately, I was content with the medical journals, personal poetry, and video that I found. This wasn’t painless to write, and in one way or another, I hope it may someone in need because this pandemic is causing acute mental debilitation on the already mentally ill.  

Love and Black Lives on a Brooklyn Street

The main idea that Annie Correal was she was trying to show how time flies and stops for no one. Its amazing how a photo album can tell so much  history about a whole block. I admire her courage to actually look into who were the throw away the album because sometimes those are wounds that trying to close. also amazing how the author and the woman in the album shared a block and didn’t even know for years until she passed.

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