A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Litzy (Page 4 of 5)

Experience with education

Education was always shown as something that should always be prioritized, growing up in a Mexican household where you were bound to be something in life, especially being a female your family’s expectations were for you to be successful in school and being an insane clean freak for some reason. I was never really on board with my family’s expectations of me, not because i didn’t like school and didn’t want a good career but because the expectations they had for me wasn’t what I wanted. It was somehow a dream that they wanted for themselves but since they couldn’t achieve it they put that on me to accomplish. I was getting to a point where I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be in life, at times i’d doubt myself and there’d be a moment where I wouldn’t believe in myself but when you have your own family starts doubting you, your own mind tends to shift on its own and sets you to a type of mindset to become a better version of yourself no matter what. You want to be able to thrive on your own and prove everyone wrong, you come to realize and truly believe that your education is the most valuable thing and you slowly start to push yourself to do better and pursue what you want to achieve as a life goal.

” In Defense Of The Classroom”

In Hellman’s article, ” In Defense Of The Classroom”, she discusses her feelings toward the virtual learning and the memories she had within a classroom before the pandemic, Hellman speaks about the change and issues faced due to virtual learning. In the article, she describes the comfort of physically being able to stay in a classroom with a teacher as wonderful. As stated, “The physical classroom, shared with a spectrum of folks with disparate nationalities, ethnicities, religions, gender identities, and perspectives, offers an important education beyond mere curriculum”. This shows the value of being able to learn within the walls of a classroom. In order to build a community as an online class, there should be communication with peers and professors, as well for being able to reach out to one another without hesitation for any sort of help throughout the pandemic.

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