A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Jose Lopez

First year companion

After skimming through the “First year companion” everything just seems straight forward, from knowing how to manage your time and when to get things done. Although I been though the whole college process by previously  being at BMCC before making the transfer to City Tech.  Having everything broken down, will help new college students. One thing that anyone will find helpful is just try to make time for work and plan out so there’s time to do everything, although everything is online at the moment you’re able to plan out when you do one class but if online wasn’t the case you’ll need to organize your time since there isn’t a lot of time how people think there is.


Hey my name is Jose and I’m 22  from Brooklyn and I’m majoring in nursing.  I was previously at BMCC but things didn’t plan out the way I wanted them to so I made the choice of transferring to City Tech and start all over again. I love to play soccer, hangout with friends and travel.  I have been a season ticket holder for my local team NYCFC since 2016, had plans to go to some away games in LA, Miami and Atlanta but due to Covid does plans got cancelled.

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