Jade Wearing

Eng 1101-OL10

Professor Edelson

Unit 3 project

In my Unit two project, I talked about the impact video games had on our society and on peopleā€™s lives. My claim was that playing video games is beneficial in many ways as it in can provide all kinds of support such as mental support. People that are going through tough times, like they are dealing with depression or dealing with bad things that they are trying to get away from and heal from, can turn and start to rely on playing video to help them get through it. Majority of people that have experienced gaming or is experiencing it, all have positive things to say about it as in it helped them get through a lot of stuff whether it is personal problems or societal issues. During this quarantine, due to covid-19, a lot of people have been dealing with loneliness and felt the need to be communicating and socializing with other people and gaming can help fulfill that as you can communicate will other people online and even make new friends and be a part of a community. Gaming can also help boost peopleā€™s health as in people are more happy and more positive that will make them want to take care of themselves and do good things in their lives. People with mental illnesses and people who are trying to escape all the negative and bad things in reality and enter an entire whole new reality where they can be much happier can benefit a lot whereas it can help fix their problems. The people I mainly want to address are people that are dealing with these issues and the best way I think this message can be communicated is by an article or a personal narrative whether it is written or not, like a video. I think this because an article can provide so much information that a reader can put together can see how much gaming can have a positive impact and with a personal narrative, people can see how gaming actually affected and impacted peopleā€™s lives, with the person talking about their experiences and how they felt throughout everything, giving off their actual emotions.

Artist Statement

I believe that gaming does have a major impact on society and on peopleā€™s lives for the better as it can provide so many positive things in peopleā€™s lives. I love video games and gaming very much whereas I am a fellow gamer and I was really inspired to write about the impact of video games on society and on peopleā€™s lives because I know that gaming can have a major effect on peopleā€™s lives for the better where people are much happier and where people can use gaming to escape from all the bad things that are associated with their lives. The type of genre I wouldā€™ve had used to get my point across to my intended audience which are people that are dealing with mental illnesses or are dealing with any problems in general, is by a personal narrative. I think a personal narrative is best in this case because you can go deep into a personā€™s life and see how video games actually impacted their life. I wouldā€™ve had dug deep into my own personal experience and expressed it to the world as I know gaming came in and impacted my life for the better. Me and my family always used to play video games with each other when I was a kid, where we played family fun games like Michael Jackson, Mario Kart and Wii sports. This was the starting point where I first got into gaming and where I decided that I wanted to keep on gaming. Fast forward, I even made friends that also love playing video games that would love to do something with gaming that I play with and hang around with all the time. In between all of that, in school, elementary school and middle school, I used to get teased a lot where some may even consider it to be bullying, and I needed a way to deal with everything I was dealing where video games were the way to go and me playing all the time. Being teased and also dealing with school and all the work was a lot for me, so I am so grateful that I had and will always have gaming in my life, by my side. I know that gaming also had major impacts on other peopleā€™s lives for the better, where it helped made their lives so much better and I know It can help all kinds of people no matter what they are going through. So, through all of this, I want to spread all the benefits and positivity of gaming and being a gamer and help make other people lives much better.