After reading the article “The reader as Artist” written by Toni Morrison, I found it interesting how well the author describes the skills of reading as a form of art and explains all the emotions she feels when reading or listening to a story.  One of my favorite sections from my notes was to be on how the author came into writing as an artist herself and the way she uses feels, sense and touch to project the image of the narrative in her mind.

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While learning through Toni Morrison’s article it can be seen that there are three important ideas that one should know to master a skill/art in reading.

For example, the author explains how reading as a skill can simply gather information from the text but the skill can vary greatly and can always be enhanced.

Another idea important to mention is how one can read through the form of art. It can develop in all sorts of ways over time and can take different shapes or forms.

One last idea mentioned that one should note is using imagination to read. Using imagination to provide detail can be useful when analyzing a text and lets you show the narrator’s point of view while having an own opinion.

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A quote that I found interesting while reading “The Reader as Artist” would be when Toni Morrison stated “I can do this again: read it and be there once more, anytime I like. Sifting, adding, recapturing. Making the work work while it makes me do the same. Just like leaning into the radio; or sitting cross-legged at the feet of grandparents.Skill is enough, but I prefer the art.” This describes how the author is enthusiastic about picturing what she reads. I found what she states fasniating since I do the same trying to imagine what story im browsing and as her prefer art rather than the skill to read.