Project 3 (research)Chengjiu Du

For my third project, I’ve decided to focus on an issue that recently happened in China.

It’s about the public anger towards an post that Sina Weibo(a twitterlike site) recently announced. It mainly says that in order to promote a “clear and harmonious” environment and to comply with stricter cybersecurity laws put in place by President Xi Jinping, weibo has to eliminate the spread of sexually suggestive and violent content and that it would target cartoons, pictures, texts, short videos that are related to parasexuality, sexual abuse, homosexuality,etc…

This post obviously pissed of the majority of Chinese LGBT community, because they considered homosexuality as abnormal or even perverts. Thus, a lot of public figures including celebrities in China had posted their anger on Weibo saying that there’s nothing different between gays and straight people, all human are equal. later on, Sina weibo deleted all these posts that seemed “supporting homosexuality”.

Chinese netizens are still fighting against the discrimination of gays..the battle has not ended yet..

Malik Smith – Project 3 (Research)

Links: 1.


My topic for the editorial assignment will be police brutality. I have picked out 2 credible sources that includes data and statistics surrounding the deaths-by-police count in 2017. There has been a record of 987 deaths in 2017 (second to the 995 deaths recorded in 2015). The first link, from the Chicago Tribune, gives a very nice summary of the deaths by police reported throughout 2017, as well as the causes and the issues surrounding it. The second link gives a clean visual representation of the same data collected in 2015-2017.

This is a topic that is very important to me as a young black man who often feels like his image is considered a “threat” or resemble one a “thug” and I could be #988 this year..

Sharif Tyler Project 3 Editorial Illustration

For the third project I decided to choose police brutality as my basis. Police brutality is described as excessive force used by police for lawful purposes. Often times, police brutality leads to death or serious injuries. The victims of police brutality most of the time are black people. Some of the most well known victims of police brutality are Sandra Bland, Rodney King, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and Oscar Grant who was the inspiration behind the movie Fruitvale Station. 9 times out of 10 when black people are the victims of police brutality, they’re innocent and minding their own business. Just recently in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights, a black man named Saheed Vassell was shot and killed by police after police supposedly mistook an object in his hand has a gun. Come to find out it wasn’t a gun. Saheed Vassell was known to be mentally ill, but police still shot him instead of trying to de escalate the situation. A lot of times when police murder black people, they often get away with it. As a black man living in America, I always fear that me or someone that I care about might be assaulted or murdered by police. Almost everyday I fear that my life might be cut short just because of the color of my skin.

Project 3 – Editorial Illustration



Hello Class!  Here is the Lecture on Editorial Illustration and Visual Metaphors.


Project 3: Editorial Illustration Overview:

For the next project you will be creating an editorial illustration for use to accompany an article in a magazine, printed or online.

The illustration must be created using a limited palate of black, white, and 1 other color and should be made using a combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.  Final art should be made to fit the real magazine’s specs. (Approx 9” x12”)

Final work will be judged on the uniqueness, clarity and cleverness of overall the concept, utilization of composition, skillful use of media, use of a full range of value, and of course overall technique.


IMPORTANT You MUST post your article and response in OPENLAB in order to meet project deadlines. 

DUE next week: PROJECT RESEARCH including your Article, your written response, facts and visual research, Brainstorm, and Thumbnails.

Editorial Assigment PART 1


Master Study : The Art of Albrecht Dürer

As the only way to represent value in printed books was through the use of line, we can easily see how the art of printmaking and that of pen and ink illustration are deeply linked.

To see an amazing example of this idea in action, let’s look at the German Renaissance printmaker Albrecht Durer (1471–1528). Durer demonstrated the true mastery that could be achieved in inked and printed line art. Through expert understanding of line and value, he created depth, volume, and mood.

As you examine the following images, take careful note of Dürer’s use of hatching, crosshatching, and stippling in these images. Consider the incredible sense of volume achieved, and the quality of light, created through masterful use of line.

Pen and Ink Illustration: an Introduction

We can trace pen-and-ink illustration’s roots back to the very earliest illuminated manuscripts.

An illuminated manuscript is a manuscript in which text is supplemented by additional decoration. The earliest known examples come from the Byzantine Empire, from 400 to 600 CE.


Illuminated manuscript

But regardless of the antiquity of the medium, pen and ink are used all the time by contemporary illustrators, with a spectrum of different results.


Yuko Shimizu Work Process Shot

Illustration and the Art of Printing

Illustration’s development has paralleled the art of printing and reproduction, with very specific moments in history periodically reinventing our medium. We can boil these moments down to a few landmark inventions:

  • the printing press
  • color lithography
  • photography
  • digital printing
  • digital media

Arguably, the invention of the printing press is still the most important thing that has occurred in the history of our art form.


When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, developing a movable type system in Europe between the years of 1440 and 1450, he completely revolutionized the world of human communication. He also initiated the marriage between illustration and publishing that still exists today.


Just as type could be reproduced for print, so could images. The invention of illustrating by means of cut woodblock followed closely the invention of moveable types for printing.


Early Chinese woodblock print

It’s important to note that Chinese were the first by far to use woodblock printing, with the earliest known work dating back to before 220 CE. However, in Western illustration the first woodblocks date from the beginning of the 15th century and the invention of Gutenberg’s press.

Gutenberg added illustrations—usually woodcuts—to his printed books. Very soon after that, books with woodcut illustrations became commonly available.

These illustrations were limited to black ink on white paper, forcing illustrators to render subject matter and to represent dimensionality using only lines, leading to the development of hatching in the pages shown here.


Illustrations by Erhard Ratdolt, 1488, in a book written by Persian astrologer Albumasar