**I could’ve sworn we had to submit something online but I couldn’t find any links on the pain page, just the breakdown of the remaining of the semester.
Here is my Value Study for my project 3. Tone Studies – 988
**I could’ve sworn we had to submit something online but I couldn’t find any links on the pain page, just the breakdown of the remaining of the semester.
Here is my Value Study for my project 3. Tone Studies – 988
2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2017/
My topic for the editorial assignment will be police brutality. I have picked out 2 credible sources that includes data and statistics surrounding the deaths-by-police count in 2017. There has been a record of 987 deaths in 2017 (second to the 995 deaths recorded in 2015). The first link, from the Chicago Tribune, gives a very nice summary of the deaths by police reported throughout 2017, as well as the causes and the issues surrounding it. The second link gives a clean visual representation of the same data collected in 2015-2017.
This is a topic that is very important to me as a young black man who often feels like his image is considered a “threat” or resemble one a “thug” and I could be #988 this year..
Here is the process book for my midterm project + final inking
**Inking is very new to me and I was EXTREMELY nervous about making some mistakes (which I did) so I used photoshop to fix those issues**
Here is the word-map that I did for E3 (since thats the event I decided to work with).
Here are the rest of my thumbnails for Comic Con and also Complex Con
Here are my concept sketches I decided to work with.
*I apologize for the delay in uploading and submitting. I was absent in class 2 weeks ago, and I returned to class last week a little behind but I am submitting to catch up, even if its marked late*
*Comment: I was struggling a lot with keeping the details within the figures of the mid/dark tone versions. I attached a version of my original sketch so my figures would make a bit more sense. (Drawn on 11×14 in landscape)
Also I am still figuring out placement of text, so the position in my tonal studies is not necessarily permanent right now.
For this week’s study, I was trying to learn different head angles and positions. anatomy of a hand, and also facial expressions. Some of the studies I tried to do on my own without a reference to see if I was understanding the concepts. Here is a link to my pinterest board with all of my references : https://www.pinterest.com/maliksmith1994/nitro-merlin/
(I apologize for the captions on the last two pictures, I like to upload my art onto my snapchat to receive direct feedback)
Likes: Fashion, Art, Design, Video Games, Movies, Sleeping, Burgers, Hip Hop, Comedy, Traveling, Streetwear, Anime, Pokemon, 420, Silence, and Isolation.
Dislikes: Soda, Disorder, Bad Odors, Rude People, Disrespect, Getting Drunk, and Trump
*I know, I still erase a lot, but I’m learning and trying to get better 🙂 *