Stories: A Love Letter

greg ruth

Greg Ruth, A Pirate’s Guide To Recess

Is there any aspiration more human, and more powerful, than the art of storytelling? As illustrators, we are admittedly very biased! After all, what is illustration if not the art of visual storytelling?

Some people are naturally adept at storytelling. They will captivate a room and have their audience hanging on every word. They know just the right moments to pause, to hush their voice, to yell, to inject tension or humor. But another person can tell the exact-same story and clear the room out!

Visual storytelling is no different. A thousand illustrators can approach the same work, each with their own unique storytelling voice (again the idea of personal vision), and each one will come out with a different interpretation, a different read on the story. Some of these reads will invariably be more successful than others. The ideas we will be approaching in this module will help us to be sure our interpretations work. We examine the intimate relationship between story and visual art, and look at how our all our artistic decisions affect our ability to tell a great story in our own unique voice.

You’ve heard the old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?” In great narrative illustration it’s absolutely true!

––Illustrator Greg Ruth, from Stories: A Love Letter

source: Muddy Colors

Molly Bang, Picture This


Picture This is Molly Bang’s insightful book about how the visual composition of images works to engage emotions, and how the elements of an artwork can give it the power to tell a story.  Why are diagonals dramatic? Why are curves calming? Why does red feel hot and blue feel cold? First published in 1991, Picture This has changed the way artists, illustrators, reviewers, critics, and readers look at and understand art

Blog Post:

Each week, choose a compositional strategy you from the reading that you find compelling.  Explain how it works and how you could relate it to your art.

Ralph Steadman Exhibition Field Trip Assigment by Giulia Bentoglio

Davinci and Michelangelo by Ralph Steadman

Davinci and Michelangelo

Picture taken on Field Trip

closer image

Closer Image

Im a huge History nerd, so of course my first reaction while seeing this masterpiece created by Ralph Steadman was to die laughing. It reminded me this amazing comic book called “Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo Davinci” illustrated by y Chaz Truog and Rafael Kayanan. On the comic book, it is speculated that there was a possible homosexual relationship between Leonardo and Salai, whom is Leo’s favorite model. Salai is clearly depicted to have had homosexual relations with Leonardo’s main rival, Michelangelo and Ludovico Sforza’s captain, Sanseverino. It is clear, however, that Leonardo used him as a model for his artwork. The relationship between Salai and Leonardo is often toxic, in the end showing Salai betraying Leonardo by serving as the model for Michelangelo’s David. In 1503, Leonardo and Michelangelo where given the opportunity by the Florence government to paint two large paintings on opposite walls of each other in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio (The Great Council Hall) in Palazzio Vecchio, however neither of those paintings have survived all the ages to see them in person, and some people speculate it was because both of them where trying so hard to outdone each other out that in the end both of them did horrible low quality jobs. However, I really love the idea that Ralph Steadman created, speculating that the paintings where not done on their full potential since davinci and Michelangelo where too buzy throwing paint at each other. It’s a lighter concept than the Comic book love story in “Chiaroscuro”, and besides the illustration is simply fantastic, being as simple as sketchy art with a little bit of watercolor and pencil lines, it still shows enough details and information for the viewer to understand what could of possible went down on The Great Council Hall, based on artist Steadman perspective.

*I apologize for not taking a selfie for the field trip, I completely forgot looking at the amazing illustrations of Steadman


gallery trip

This painting was my favorite and spoke to me the most on many levels. I grew up in nyc before white people gave a shit about it and during the stop and frisk era when politicians were cleaning up the city so white people could come and give a shit about it. Politicians, commissioners, corrections, police forces and developers all formed together to create a giant monster that swallowed many lives whole and altered the face of the city. At a point, living in the city felt like being in a sort of tropical wilderness where to survive you had to have sharp brutal instincts like an animal. You couldn’t sit down, or stand up, or go to the store, or walk home from school,without being a possible target. This mobilization to restore the “quality of life” to these forgotten neighborhoods, was described as “the beast” by many. Because in its entirety, it was a giant looming monster that loved to feed on the poor should they ever be caught slipping. This experience gave me a greater sense of how this doesn’t only affect the people here and around me. But was also the modus operandi of the beast towards the poor and lesser classes of the world. I empathized with the struggles of Palestinian people and their conflicts in Gaza. The occupied people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Essentially the beast was a much greater monster than the one i perceived at home, and in fact was a monster of global proportions. When plain clothes officers used to hop out on us, and we would have to idly wait by there car while they ran our pockets and talked shit to us for 20 minutes. I remember the strange hum their cars would produce from powering the computer equipment they had in the car. The strange red glow that would come from the light they used inside their cars to see but maintain low visibility, along with all the foreign clicks and beeps from their radios. It seemed so futuristic and surreal. As if they were storm troopers from a star wars movie, antagonists in some epic saga of the constant imbalance between good and evil. And i would think of all the technological, computerized means which the beast implemented around the world to impose control. I would think of how just like me, some kid in palestine is going through the same motions and feeling the same shit, listening to the strange hums and beeps of those oppressing him, and how in their case the DT’s (detectives) were apache helicopters. And how instead of looking out for chevy impalas with antennas on them they were keeping their head up for black hawks. Crazy I thought. When i saw this painting, it basically articulated everything I felt about surviving my adolescence.




In this assignment we were asked to create an editorial illustration based on the current presidential election, that would convey a message of voter participation amongst students. I began to brainstorm certain issues that were affected by the coming election, as well as ways that i might tie them into the perspective of going to vote. I considered student debt as a primary concern for the target audience. However the issue that spoke the most to me was the apathy amongst many young voters towards the election this year. Many people feel as if voting is pointless because the candidates this year offer no true alternative or opportunity for change or progress on many of the issues concerning them. So instead i decided to work off that feeling, illustrating hillary and trump as two different candidates, in the same seat of power which i expressed as a military tank, doing the same war mongering life devaluating shit thats been going for the past 200 years and then some. The slogan, Perpetuate the death and misery of the developing world, at the hands of your own elected war monger nov 8th.

process1process2 process3 process4getoutandvote

field assignment 2

Classic picture of a classic man by London Ladd. I felt a sense of ancestry and relief that he was not forgotten in the history books because he seemingly isn’t recognized nearly as often as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. He played a key part in the abolition of slaves as a social reformer, abolitionist, speaker and a writer. Also a vice president. glad he isn’t forgotten


field trip assignment

Some girls are born to lead by Leuyen Pham represents a period as to when a girl is in a genre or career dominated by men can also have the ability to match them in skill in said subject,if not surpassed them. in this photo it even seems she does it in style also. seeing that the girl in front is the only one in bright color, while all the other men are in achromatic color. The sight of this gives me a great feeling of progression in society today, i also find it quite humorous.