Journal #3

Week 3 was the longest week thus far since I’ve started, it consisted back to back training, my KAPA which was me showing my leaders what I’ve learned in each station and speaking with one of my leaders at the end of my KAPA. For my third day of Onsight training, I was supposed to have Russell as my trainer, but he had switched his shift with a part-time woman name Beverly whose been with Disney for a few years now. Beverly trained Abagail and me in the Pizza station, which I felt that she wasn’t as clear and thorough with what exactly to clean towards the end but other than that she did her best since she hasn’t worked a night shift in months. In the Pizza station from what I observed there are three positions. The first one is the person taking orders, the second person; is the one making Margherita flatbreads, the rest of the flatbreads are already pre-made and putting in all the kids flatbreads, adults flatbreads and large pizzas in the Oven, and the third person takes out the pizzas on the other side; completes the rest of the order such as with breadsticks, arugula; blackened chicken flatbread, spring mix; Margherita flatbread. Although she explained each section as best as she could I didn’t feel as confident in taking orders alone, I made sure I asked questions as well, but it wasn’t enough in my opinion. To some of the questions I had for her she wasn’t too sure about it herself but overall, she was friendly and helped as much as she can. At one point it was a little awkward due to one of the culinary cooks making a comment about Beverly not being good at her job when she wasn’t around, and I didn’t know what to say. I personally thought they were going to attempt to train us again in Pizza but no not at all, I moved on to Onsight training day four.

For Onsight training day four, my trainer Lily from Australia trained me in Bakery. In Bakery there is two positions someone is either making sundaes, milkshake, serving the apple blossom or the seasonal cobbler; it can be either a Cherry, Apple or Peach. The second person is serving the pastries, bagels, cheesecake, their different cupcakes that we must remember each ingredient in and their magic cookie bar which I got to taste, and it was sweet, but I have a sweet tooth, so it worked out for me. My two days before the last day of training consisted of Cashier training which it was interesting and challenging to me since it was my first time working with a register in food and beverage. Overall, my trainer Angel was very patient and helpful since my first time on Cashier I made plenty of mistakes, but Angel was right behind me the whole time assisting me through each step. When I did Cashier the second time, I had more confidence and was memorizing where the button was for certain foods and how to manually put in the number of money guests will give me then afterward pressing CASH and TOTAL to see how much change they receive back. When I did the register both days majority of the guests were very patient and understanding, they will ask me questions; Where are you from?  What is your major?, Where is your school located? How do you like the Disney College Program so far? What do you plan on doing in your future? etc. The last day was my KAPA which I knew majority of everything and a few things I ended up forgetting but my last trainer name Chris was helpful as well, made silly jokes for me to get comfortable and not be too concerned. When my KAPA was completely done, I had to speak with my one of my leaders Michael. He asked me about my overall training experience, which school I attend, what’s my major and then he informed me that he knows some leaders in front desk at our location that can speak with me since I mentioned to him I will like to get experience in front desk. Looking forward to next week without my trainers being there to guide me!!!

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