Weekly Journal #5

This week was super tiring. I made it through a straight 7 days of work, had to wash clothes at 3 in the morning…winning.

All Star Movies Resort has been fun to work in lately. We’ll sometimes break out in dance for guests (and ourselves) and my coworkers make it really enjoyable. I can honestly say I enjoy being at work more than being in Patterson doing nothing. Although I still have yet to sit in our housing pool…it’s really pretty.

I’m almost done with cashier training–it isn’t as nerve wracking because I’m a lot more familiar with it but it’s a process… There are still things I have not done yet because I’m relatively new and it seems like things change at work almost everyday and I think we have another wave of CPs coming at our location so it can seem a bit…off.

But like anything, keeping the momentum is the challenge. I know personally I cannot be in “Disney mode” 24/7 nor would I want to be… I hope I’m not always working 7 days a week every week. I just have to remind my leaders/coordinators of my class schedule–there’s already a scheduling conflict but I think it’ll be taken care of.

snapshot of Toy Story Land entrance at Hollywood Studios


I’m excited for the Food and Wine festival–hoping to go on a day off.


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1 Response to Weekly Journal #5

  1. Make sure to let your leaders know about your class schedule, they can not schedule you within a certain number of hours of your class but they can schedule you on a day you do have class. Communication will help you avoid difficult situations.

    Do you think you are working so much because they are still awaiting new CPs? What kind of a schedule do your peers expect to have?

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