My First Day In Orlando Florida Experience

This week I had just moved to Orlando, Florida. I had expected the weather to be warm and hot, because that what everyone told me. It turned out to be a bit chilly the first few days but shortly after I can feel the summer heat. As I’ve gotten to see what Orlando Florida was like, I was like wow this is so different from New York. Everything here is more peaceful and calmer compared to the busy life in New York. I have visited a few eateries, and I was shocked by the hospitality the place have. I would have to say Florida is much different from New York in a lot of good ways, and so far I like it!

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4 Responses to My First Day In Orlando Florida Experience

  1. Welcome to Orlando!!! I’m so excited that you guys finally got here. I hope you enjoy your time and make a lot of memories.

  2. That I can tell you is very true! I got to Orlando, FL three days before my check-in for the college program and visited a few restaurants and a night club. I have to say that employees in Orlando, FL are much happier and deliver a genuine service that exceeds my expectations, regardless of the size of the business. Big or small the hospitality is amazing.

  3. Great observations! Do you believe that having WDW in the community influences the service of others in the area?

    • Qing B. Lin says:

      Yes, I believe they have a huge influence in the community. There are many stores such as target and other gift shops that carry Disney merchandise! Not only that the resort I stayed in also sell tickets to the parks and other gift shops stores.

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