Journal 6

After a long first 4 weeks, I finally get a whole week of morning shifts. Once I asked my leader, Anita, on the second week of starting my position that I was interested in learning how to work morning shifts she was fine with that. When the first day came along, I thought I was going to get trained but not at all, my first assignment was burger and I had no idea what I was doing. There was this sweet coworker that knew everything, and she basically trained me that whole time I was there even when it got extremely busy. I noticed she was pre- making the egg, cheese, bacon with croissant sandwich with tater tots and I didn’t know why. Then I noticed that guests were mainly ordering that entrée and pre-making the sandwiches made everything way easier. When I knew the names of the numbers on the menu, I was working with the flow and I was able to make every order the guest wanted. It was a little challenging since I never been trained for mornings but I did learn a lot this week. My coworkers were very helpful and understanding since they know I am a CP and new to this position.


In the ending of this week my job had a scavenger hunt for us to basically network, meet other CP’s and the Culinary students as well from French Quarter and Riverside. It was a way for us to have a great time and work as a team. Whichever teams come in first, second and third will get a prize. They picked the winners by whichever team answered the most questions. They split us up in groups of five, my group was called Magnolia and we had to answer questions that relate to both Resorts; Riverside and French Quarter. It was actually fun to work with one girl I already know, a Culinary CP who works at Riverside who I will see in the kitchen before this game but we never acknowledged each other, and two other CP’s I met from French Quarter. We all worked as a team and whoever knew the answers right away will write it down. This game actually taught me something’s that I didn’t know about both Resorts. When time was up, the leaders from different roles and the general manager had food, dessert and drinks for everyone to enjoy. My team came in 2nd place, we was actually shocked and thrilled at the same time to have been one of the winners. We ended up getting a puzzle that has Riverside 25th Anniversary.

During the weekend I actually made some fun memories as well since it was my birthday weekend. It was my first birthday without my Immediate family but I actually have other family members who live not too far from where I live currently. I was able to make reservations at a Moroccan Restaurant called Marrakesh in Epcot, I wanted to try something new since I never had Moroccan food before. I was grateful that everyone was able to make it to my birthday dinner which were my roommates, Gabby, Sam and Sam’s roommate Angel. During my birthday weekend I was also able to hang out with my cousins to celebrate, Sam and one of my roommates was able to go. We had a blast!

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