Weekly Journal #10

Week 10 was great! Nothing too interesting happened at work this week, but I can’t complain. We have been having roughly 800 check-ins per day, and at 99% occupancy, but it hasn’t been crazy busy. We have just been at a steady pace. Luckily, there are no conventions or sport tournaments this week, so we haven’t had to check in any groups either. It has been a very relaxing week at Pop Century!

Hollywood Studios with Gehang

Hollywood Studios with Gehang

This week, a fellow colleague from CityTech, Gehang came to visit! Although I was working at pretty inconvenient times, we made time to see each other anytime I was available. My work schedule was very inconvenient this week. Gabby & I took Gehang to Hollywood Studios, before I went to work, and Gabby took her to Epcot after I left. I’m glad she really got to experience everything.

The following day, Brittany and I took Gehang to “Ohana” for breakfast at the Polynesian Resort. It was SO DELICIOUS. There was unlimited mickey waffles, eggs, potato’s, ham, sausage, fruit, etc. I would DEFENITYELY come back to “Ohana” for breakfast. I have tried their dinner before, but the breakfast menu really blew my mind. Everything was delicious. Another great perk, is that we got to meet Mickey,  Pluto, Stitch, and Lilo at breakfast!







After “Ohana”, we gave Gehang a tour of the 7 Seas Lagoon on the monorail line. We explored the Polynesian Resort, Contemporary Resort, and the Grand Floridian Resort. She loved every bit of it! After giving her a tour, I had to head to work. So I dropped Gehang and Brittany off at Magic Kingdom for them play in the parks.
All in all, I had an amazing week! It was so nice seeing Gehang and spending time with her!

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