Journal #5

Here’s to Week 5, one hectic week but a success with closing a few shops. I have my classes on Wednesdays; Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management and Thursdays; Human Resources and both are at 1:30 pm. For both classes, my Professor is Pamela and she is from Shreveport, Louisiana. In both classes she had everyone stand up in front of our seats and mention; Our names, Where we from? Why we are doing this program? And What is a fun fact about us? For my Wednesday class my colleagues from City Tech are Gabriela Mota and Dezerellease Cruz and for my Thursday class it’s Dez and I. Overall, the first week of classes was great and met many different people from many countries; Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Spain, Japan, China and States; Ohio, Texas, California, and many more.

For work, I mentioned to my leader the first week I started my training about my Disney Collegiate Courses and told her everything she needed to know which she was very understanding about it. On week 4, I mentioned it to the same leader about my schedule since I noticed they scheduled me to work on one of the days I have class. At that point, I was a little frustrated since I thought everything was set and I will have those days off permanently. That same leader didn’t mention to me exactly what time to come in after class. I finish classes at 5:30 pm and I had to go back home to change since I got stuck in the rain. By the time I got to work, it was close to 8 pm, as soon as I came in both of my coordinators and one of my leaders ended up saying “Sorry” to me and changed my time so I wouldn’t get half a point. It was such a relief to know that I wasn’t going to get half a point, my coordinators and leader was very understanding since it was their fault that my schedule wasn’t fixed. I ended up cleaning burger for the first time by myself before midnight and it was one of the easiest shops I’ve closed so far. When I closed the bakery with one of my colleagues, Chris who is also a CP we ended up leaving close to 1 am. Both of us forgot how to clean the cappuccino machine but we were able to get assistance from another CP. I didn’t realize how much time it takes to close bakery even with us pre-closing didn’t help but we got it done. This week I also ended up closing trash and trays which is a workout on its own. Making sure all the trash is being thrown out and adding new bags in, cleaning the inside of where the trash is with a dustpan and a broom, and collecting all the trays making sure they get clean and putting the clean ones back where it needs to be.

One exciting night I got to experience was attending the Magic Kingdom with my colleagues Sam, Gabby, and Dez. Once you enter the Magic Kingdom it has Halloween decorations all over, I’m honestly not a big fan of Halloween but Disney makes everything looks so beautiful and has you thinking you’re in a dream. Looking forward to next week since It’s my birthday week!!!This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

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