Read and React 1

Unlike other companies, that throw their workers into training or give them 5 or 6 hours of boring videos and lectures; disney welcomes all of its cast members, regardless of their role in the company, with traditions. Traditions is the day where newly hired cast members learn about the beliefs, values, and history of the company. The day begins with a warm welcome from longtime members of the company. The day is made up of interactive activities, heartwarming videos, and if the weather permits, a tour of Magic Kingdom. The point of traditions is to teach new cast members how to create the magic that we experience as guest when visiting the parks.

The beginning of traditions consists of teaching all of the cast members the language of the company. One of the ways that disney keeps up with the magic is by maintaining a language that refers to anything related to the job as if it were a performance. From the minute the park opens, to the second the park closes, the show is on. The members of the team are referred to as cast members; the uniforms are called costumes, any area accessible to the guest is onstage, and all other areas are accessible to cast members are considered backstage.

The most important difference in word is in reference to visitors. While other companies may consider a person making a purchase a customer, disney refers to them as guests. This change in language completely changes the service we provide on a subconscious level. When we think about customers, we usually think about a monetary transaction; meaning we provide a product and in return, we get cash. This way of thinking replaces the value of the individual with a number, and rather than the focusing on the individual, it revolves around the transaction. While many companies focus their attention on VIP’s (Very Important Person), Disney’s emphasizes the notion that everyone is a VIP (Very Individual Person). Unlike the common VIP, which refers to someone who pays the most money to receive the most benefits, Disney’s VIP revolves around the interaction between the. In this way of thinking, Disney wants its cast members to consider every interaction to be unique and important. The point of traditions is to teach cast members the universal belief that every guest and cast member should be treated with the utmost respect and quality of service. We care more about creating a special moment for everyone rather than valuing each individual by how much money they are paying. For that reason, customers are referred to as guests. When we have guests over in our home, we treat them as if they were kings and queens, and that is the same principle we live by at disney. Every guest is welcomed home.

The core values of the company are reflected in two concepts: The Four Keys and The Five Guest Principles. If cast members keep up with these values and concepts, they are more than likely to be very successful in the company. The Four Keys are Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. Safety is one of the most important keys and the best way to remember it is safety begins with me. If every cast member takes time to do things in a safe way, it allows for them to maintain the guest’s safety. Disney focuses largely on safety because they want their guests to feel safe and at ease. Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency all fall under the same category of keeping the show alive. Courtesy is about making sure that you provide that service that goes above and beyond all of the forms of service. Show deals with making sure that we responsible for our costumes, making sure that we are acting in a professional way and speaking and acting in accordance to our location’s theme. Efficiency reminds us to use our time wisely. If we are standing around there is always something to do whether that is replacing missing product or cleaning, there is something to do and there is always something that can be improved upon.

The Five Guest Principles focus our attention on the way that we interact with guests. It is summarized in always smiling and being polite to a guest; anticipating their needs; take on the responsibility of helping out a guest; take ownership of mistakes; and never hand out a guest request. These basic principles ensure that the guests are receiving the highest for of service possible. Warm smiles are contagious and if a guest sees that the person providing the service is happy, then they as well feel content. The Guest Principles teach us to be approachable and allows the guest to know that if they are in need of any assistance, they can always look for someone with a nametag.

Traditions is an important part of becoming part of the disney family; no matter what your role is in the company, the values are consistent throughout. Our purpose in the company is to create magical experiences even while being backstage. We not only treat the guests with such core principles, but also our fellow cast members. This concept not only allows for the magic to continue onstage but backstage, creating an ideal ambiance for work.

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