Read and React 2 : Hurricane Irma

Leaving New York during the fall semester was suppose to be a great idea as during the Disney College program we would be warm and greeted by the Florida Sun everyday. Never could we have mentally prepared ourselves for the natural disaster which greatly impacted Florida and Puerto Rico: Irma. According to the article, annual Hurricanes visiting Florida is as expected as guests coming to Disney World. The only unpredictable aspect is the strength and the path of the Hurricanes as they make their way past Orlando, Florida.

Hurricane Ride out is the term used at the California Grill of the Contemporary Hotel for cast members working and staying on property until the natural disaster has passed. Because our restaurant is located on the 15th floor and the highest floor, the operation hours was really dependent on the strength of Irma’s gales. Working along side our managers in the restaurant, we were also able to see the five phases of Disney’s hurricane preparedness in action. Our leaders informed us of the leadership having meetings to discuss the impending situation and made arrangements of early release for cast members not staying for hurricane ride out. Then as we worked during hurricane Irma, we were able to see the progression intensify to phase 1.

During the Hurricane ride out, guests in the hotel were provided free movies to watch in different conferences rooms and other fun activities like bingo and trivia. Restaurants sold food at a reduced price and made sure all the guests were properly fed without having to ration the portion size. California Grill cast members began our day at 10am and worked at any location that required man power. Then at 3pm, we would promptly begin to start working our own location well into the night until the last guest leave. It was a rough 48 hours but in the end, the magic we made for our guests and the money we made for ourselves payed off handsomely.

There was no prior safety training for these emergency situations. The only emergency information we were given was upon arrival when the trainer pointed out where to staircases are located in case of fire and where the AED and fire extinguishers can be found. The article outlines some important management tips like proper communication across all areas of business and safety of employees and guests alike. These lessons are critical because running a hotel can be like running a city in the cases of larger properties. The different departments will have to all be on the same page and work together for ensuring that guests will come back even when there is a hurricane because they know that it is the better choice. The hospitality industry is not about making transactions, it is about making life long relationships.


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